Example sentences of "that [was/were] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think my parents did the best they could but the pressures that were on them they , they did n't do a very good job !
2 Erm very extensive business park development took place , land values on these industrial areas rose accordingly and all manufacturing uses were either er destabilized because their land values now became greater than the businesses that were on them , or new manufacturing plant simply could not acquire the land at affordable prices because there were always people willing to buy it for B one .
3 Well I would n't of taken first one back I er , I mean , it was , would n't of bothered me , it would n't , had spots that were on it
4 The three yards that were under him .
5 To tell the truth I have only hazy memories of the magazine that I took for a long time and until it ceased publication for reasons that were beyond me .
6 Irwin 's first public act upon arriving in India was to appeal , in terms that were for him impassioned , for harmony between Muslims and Hindus .
7 And God remembered Noah , the beasts and all the cattle that were with him in the Ark .
8 God remembered Noah , the beasts and all the cattle that were with him in the Ark .
9 The two lads that were with me at the end , they were being truthful .
10 And she was the first that got on horseback , and with some fifty that were with her , did some hurt to the company of the Cid ; but in fine they slew her , and her people fled to the camp .
11 The clouds that were with us on the climb had gone , opening the way to spectacular views , views helped by the air being free of dust and haze .
12 By late September a letter from the front recorded , ‘ … of the chaps that were with us in Saltash , nearly all are killed .
13 The existing members were told you can either join the new scheme with its improved benefits , reduced contributions , with certain rules that were operating in favour of the employer that were against them , but it was a balancing act , or if you do n't want that you can stay with the old scheme and continue with exactly the same terms .
14 Below the coum near the County Stone are the strewn remains of a Second World War plane that crashed killing all the poor lads that were in her .
15 Philip stood on the vase , trying not to crush the flowers that were in it .
16 ‘ Smaointe ’ or ‘ thoughts ’ was inspired by the story of the beach at Margallen , where a great wave once swept away a small church and all that were in it .
17 you know that were in it when they were still brand new
18 it was still , erm quite good that was worth it that day
19 The hand moved slowly nearer to the edge of a blanket that was over us .
20 When two veins coalesce the cell that was between them becomes obliterated .
21 It assumed so much — as if the link that was between them needed no words …
22 But I liked to please my mother and keep undisturbed the love that was between us .
23 In terms of penalty-area action that was about it .
24 and the horizon that was under it ,
25 How kind that was of him .
26 Which was that Ellen had sworn herself to celibacy while she worked as a cook , a decision that was to me as eccentric as it was both incomprehensible and frustrating .
27 The only thing he could think of was he was a good swimmer — and a fat lot of good that was to him .
28 The only thing that was to him suspicious , was apart from the normality of liaisons at the hospital , there was no mention of a man in her life .
29 Like Miss Honey , she felt sure both ears were going to come off at any moment with all the weight that was on them .
30 All that , everything about him , his bearing , his voice , the cold of horror that was on him , for he shook as he spoke of it , all rang true to me .
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