Example sentences of "that [was/were] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 In the first place developing countries accepted the loans that were thrust at them because they believed what the West was telling them — that it would be possible for them to industrialize , to develop their economies to the point where paying back the loan later on would be an easy matter .
2 It was during my visit that I made my acquaintance with Woolworths and thought it a marvellous store with goods that were priced at either 3d or 6d ; the firm did not arrive in Salisbury until 1927 .
3 ‘ I warded off the blows that were struck at me and Sir Oswald did the same .
4 The Army have not dropped their controversial access conditions as was reported , but have amended them following the representations they have received from the BMC and the views that were expressed at the Castlemartin meeting in March .
5 well I do feel that a car is looked at from a performance point of view , I mean I agree that a lot of bad drivers , but I still think you could help a lot by getting the design of the car right , because sometimes accidents do happen , even though nobody is really at fault and er I feel strongly that were looking at it from the wrong way round .
6 There was a problem during the er evidence to the various committees that were looking at the coal crisis and the problems in relation to coal , in that very often people were translating it into tonnage and the number of pits etcetera , whereas the argument needed to be that the rules of the game had been rigged in the first place at the privatization of electricity and the rules of the game need to be changed if we 're gon na succeed .
7 If not , does he have any figures relating to such campaigns , the number of forms that were received at offices and the percentage of claims that were rejected ?
8 After all we knew that subsidy did n't exist to subsidise empty seats but rather the necessary and new ideas that were wanted at the time .
9 FIG. 1 The stable carbon isotope composition of upper leaves from C3 and C4 plants that were grown at daytime [ CO 2 ] from near 350μmolmol -1
10 Notwithstanding the efforts that were made at the conference to din the contradiction between conservation and utilitarianism into the brains behind DOCOMOMO , the lure of the rolling expense accounts of museum culture was too strong .
11 After two cancellations that were made at the behest of the managing director , Peter Threfall , I had had enough .
12 As far as the police part of the Bill is concerned , the er Government er under considerable pressure from erm er er members on their own side er as well as from these benches , have made the er very welcome concession that the chairman of a police authority shall no longer be appointed er by the Secretary of State , by the Home Secretary , but elected from among the members of the police authority er they have also made provision that the er er er i in response to the er criticisms that were made at second reading that the size of the p of a police authority shall no longer be limited to er sixteen members but could er by er order of the Secretary of State be extended to er twenty er er er twenty-four members .
13 The section deals with transactions prior to an individual bankruptcy that were conducted at an undervalue or constituted a preference .
14 In accordance with the main theme of this book the accounts given here are drawn from the school sector ( primary and secondary ) and concentrate on activities that were conducted at the level of the whole institution ( although , in practice , the whole of the school may not have become involved ) .
15 Both authors appear to belittle the great range of plants that were living at the times of their animals and the ways in which these plants were constantly evolving and migrating .
16 Finally , erm various terms have been erm thrown around about new settlements being an engine of growth and a sinkhole for future growth , erm the only point I want to make there is that any future growth beyond the present structure plan period of two thousand and six would of course be subject to the planning system , there is no automatic erm growth erm of any new settlement that is proposed or may be proposed beyond two thousand and six , and Mr Davis has indicated that at that time a new study will be carried out on the relative merits of the alternative options that were seen at that time .
17 There were the other things that were written at the time — there are at least 15 cues . ’
18 Erm I 'm not saying that er there were n't problems in security and using public transport and fear of using public transport after dark , but we were quite surprised that compared with the rest of the U K it was erm not acceptable but it gave us an indication on , on where to go from there on , erm and also I think er the important factor that in the lower in Strathclyde that we 've actually consulted women in terms of er what they want and what they need er in the transport world erm in public transport and that 's not lip service we 've actually had discussions groups and that information has been fed into the large erm public transport review that were undertaking at the present time .
19 This is not the place to discuss the report at length , but to mention one or two points that were aired at the press conference to introduce it .
20 The tears that were burning at the back of her eyes began to fall as soon as she entered her room , and , flinging herself on the bed , she gave way to helpless misery .
21 However , the ideal could be pursued , which was the basis of the arguments that were considered at a later stage .
22 There were mediaeval chroniclers , working from monasteries and sometimes from the courts , and those chroniclers were producing history which was an attempt as it were to set down what seemed to them to be the most important things that were happening at the time , with a few asides .
23 I originally had this idea through the workers union in Manchester , and I was wondering if there were any comparative studies that were happening at the same time , and that would be really interesting to see how Oxford compares to other areas .
24 He threw himself forward , startling the beasts that were tearing at the prostrate girl on the ground , and arced his sword round with manic strength , tearing the blade through two of them with one swing .
25 A problem arose because it was believed that Macmillan had secured terms of reference which would entitle the Tribunal to investigate not merely Vassall , but also rumours relating to Vassall that were circulating at the time , rumours about many discreditable matters but mainly his sexual activities .
26 To make matters worse , practices that were valued at twice gross recurring fees a few years ago are now being sold for half recurring fees .
27 A striped shirt without a collar , and trousers that were held at a slender stomach by braces , and carpet slippers in checked shades of brown , and a smell of pipe tobacco .
28 The status of items that were looked at er educated and uneducated , intelligent unintelligent , wealthy poor , successful unsuccessful , and ambitious and carefree .
29 It can also be viewed as combining elements of treaty law with territorial competence : the acceptance of the territory within the previously agreed boundaries incurs acceptance of any conditions that were negotiated at the time of the boundary settlement .
30 Just how important the station was to the life of the community can be gauged from the numerous stretches of approach road and land that were improved at the ratepayers ' expense — widened , often given pavements which look particularly incongruous leading from nowhere today , and lit with gas lamps .
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