Example sentences of "that [vb mod] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 A growing interest in developing co-operative training schemes was noted , fostered partly by the introduction of the pre-licentiate scheme which has encouraged libraries of all types to look at how to use resources to maximum advantage for programmes that may involve a small number , or possibly only one , staff member , and it was concluded that the potential for co-operative schemes to satisfy many of the objectives currently being met ( adequately or inadequately ) by external courses , has barely been harnessed .
2 Describe the nature of qualitative factors and give three examples that may influence a decision to make a component rather than buy it from another firm .
3 If you mind that anyway , cos I may have a couple of people er that may want a few of them to , spoken to Dav , David , he 's got one or two as well .
4 Who tells Nestle not to promote the bottle feeding that may give a slum child fatal diarrhoea ?
5 The decision to ‘ open a case ’ marks a critical difference in the construction of and response to a person 's problems , and confers potential gains and losses ; the latter includes the danger of being drawn into increasingly intrusive interventions that may threaten a person 's autonomy .
6 It no longer makes 9mm rounds for small arms , or Giant Vipers , a weapon that may play a vital role in opening up Iraqi minefields during an allied offensive .
7 These are some of the milestone constituencies to watch out for tonight — early declarations , marginals that may indicate a trend , ministers whose seats are at risk and well-known candidates .
8 It is stupid to rush into the sort of vigorous exercise that may aggravate a medical condition and , of course , it also depends on how fit you are already .
9 Never display anything that may tempt a thief .
10 The mapping of these units has enabled a pattern of faulting to be recognised in the Upper Chalk outcrop that may have a bearing on its properties as an aquifer .
11 States shall provide prior and time timely notification and relevant information to potentially affected States on activities that may have a significant adverse trans transboundary
12 Continued avoidance of other substances or behaviours that may have a comparable , destructive , mood-altering effect on the individual sufferer .
13 One consequence of these extension schemes that may have a serious effect upon arts education is the way that some authorities are pushing for arts subjects to be taught as part of modular courses , which could lead to a reduction of the number of two-year examination courses in separate arts subjects .
14 Just by changing the colour of the walls and soft furnishings you can provide a completely new background that may have a profound effect on the existing furniture , making it look entirely different .
15 The outlook for patients after the diagnosis of cancer of the exocrine pancreas is uniformly poor and suggests the existence of a mechanism(s) that may have a role in promoting tumour growth .
16 1 A class of words may consist of all the words that may occupy a certain element in a structure , eg prepositions : such classes are positional classes .
17 ACE Communications Ltd has come up with Spidernet ( a name that may cause a few concerns for the Edinburgh-based Spider Systems Ltd ) a hub that supports both Token Ring and direct-attached coaxial and twinaxial connections .
18 There is one further set of theories that may provide a structure for the study of reading behaviour : the theories of play .
19 A programme that may provide a route to the Revised Higher Grade course could be developed by adding further Stage 1 Biological Sciences modules ( see page 10 ) to this core .
20 The cockpit is well protected by a deep coaming set on the teak-laid decks , although there is nothing to stop items falling through the aft end of the cockpit , something that may become a liability when sailing in a relaxed fashion with books , Walkmans and bottles of suntan lotion lying on cockpit seats .
21 Could be that let's have a look at the first year , the first year , I just want to survive .
22 In this spirit , and doubtless moved by these very arguments , early in 1987 Kenneth Baker set up his committee under the chairmanship of G. R. Higginson , the Vice-Chancellor of Southampton University , to recommend principles that should govern A level syllabuses and their assessment ‘ in the light of the Government 's commitment to retain GCE Advanced level examinations as an essential means for setting standards of excellence , and with the aim of maintaining or improving the present character and rigorous standards of these examinations ’ .
23 At £175 including VAT this is not a cheap sander , but you get what you pay for and for the keen d-iyer or woodworker , or even a tradesman , this is an excellent tool that should last a lifetime .
24 The NII has still not reported on crucial areas such as the dangers of external hazards like fires , earthquakes and aircraft crashes , protection systems that should stop a small accident becoming a larger one , and the vexed issue of steam-generator tubes .
25 There was no real sense of a project , little feeling of the crusade for power that should accompany a Government 's slide into humiliation , chaos and decay .
26 Documents have individual identities and the constant prompting for information on document type , author , origin , version , and information elements within the document are ones that should find a ready response from potential users and archivists of material from this phase .
27 I suggest to Teri that should have a share .
28 Bush said that although " there are some things in it I had to gag and digest " , he would sign it " because for the first time it makes significant and long-term cuts in federal spending that should have a positive impact on America 's economic future " .
29 COSE has also agreed to do a plenary-style panel a la UniForum that should attempt a general statement of intent , an update and try to clear up any COSE confusion .
30 COSE has also agreed to do a plenary-style panel a la Uniforum that should attempt a general statement of intent , an update and hopefully try to clear up the COSE confusion — see back page .
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