Example sentences of "that [vb mod] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 She waited a few seconds for any sounds that might tell her that her mother was in there but out of her range of sight .
2 There was not a soul in sight as Theda began resolutely to trudge down the street , looking for a lane that might lead her off the main road , which , being only of packed dirt , was already a hasty-pudding of mud which churned under her mercifully booted feet .
3 Satisfied that she was safely hidden from view , Benny began swiftly examining the drums for labels that might give her a clue as to what was in them .
4 I just … . it 's just that I wanted to tell her how sorry I am about … about what happened to your father and brother but , not knowing her , I did n't want to say it in a way that might upset her .
5 ‘ Dave was given an assurance that both the Sultan 's navy and air force will be alerted to keep a lookout for Clarion Call or any ship that might resemble her . ’
6 She was becoming less interested in any tittle-tattle he might purvey that might help her with the case than in himself .
7 He sat tensely , guarding himself for one false word or gesture that might dry her up .
8 I hope he 's one of those blokes that 'll kick her from dog to devil . ’
9 Much good that 'd do her , if what his department suspected was true .
10 A sadness that could make her give up acting for good .
11 Fortunately , and by pure chance , I had said nothing that could lead her to assume that we thought that she was travelling with them — as arranged . ’
12 She took off everything that could identify her , and stowed it in the bottom layer of her jewellery box .
13 As her first movie The Delinquents — aided by some pre-release hype over Australian clerics calling for sexy scenes between her and handsome co-star Charlie Shlatter to be cut — opened around the world at the end of 1989 , Kylie was planning a move that could set her on that same yellow brick road to showbusiness immortality .
14 Maybe she 's a control freak , he was thinking , getting into an unreasonable flap just because she might have taken something that could unclench her a little ; but then if he 'd kept his mouth shut , she 'd never even have known .
15 She should have left Rome as she 'd planned , she should never have looked into her heart and discovered a truth that could destroy her .
16 A deadly charm that could humiliate her because it could easily make her melt and beg and forget a lifetime of rigid adherence to propriety .
17 " She did n't really love him , " Sarah shouted aloud in the empty house , and blushed as if there were a part of Enid lurking somewhere that could overhear her .
18 she could n't understand how , she said oh she said and , and a couple of channels that used to drive her up the wall .
19 She had conquered this feeling sufficiently to allow her to accept visits from her friends , and had overcome the apologetic murmurs that used to assail her as she opened her bedroom door ; she felt , in part , absolved by the wonderfully institutional shape of her room , which was on the third floor of a large block in the middle of Regents Park .
20 She did n't recognise any landmarks , so she went on again , keeping a sharp lookout for her ‘ pony tree ’ and for any other tree or open space that would tell her she was on the right path .
21 Kim 's mother took this idea further by making some of the activities given to Kim those that would involve her helpfully with the baby .
22 She set off up the scarp , using juts and ledges as a diagonal staircase to take her on a course that would bring her close to Johannsen when they both reached the top of the incline .
23 Those previous kisses had had meaning after all , and now he had only to utter those three little words that would send her up into the clouds .
24 Knowing the mountains were there , Martha passed hours gazing upwards , waiting for a break in the curtain of vapour that would give her a view to the summit , her attention fixed at that mysterious level where the mist descended on the tree-tops and blotted out the perspective entirely .
25 It was to be the first in a long line of pay battles that would give her a reputation for being one of the toughest negotiators in the business .
26 It was up to her , quickly , to forge herself a manner that would give her an advantage in whatever negotiations were to come : and she had done so , by the time he came down for his breakfast .
27 Aye , that , it 'd be the Voltarol that would give her the , the black stuff coming through .
28 No more than a small bullet that would make her bleed .
29 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
30 Her part in Share My Lettuce had done as much for her own theatrical career as the show had done for Ken , and she was embarking on a series of films that would make her an international reputation .
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