Example sentences of "that [det] [am/are] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Much more cost effective is n't it if things to be done once rather than have to do reading them two or three times and generally the reason that things are repeated a number of times is that perhaps people are not really quite sure or not that that are systems , yet productivity the better trained people are people who can do things , get it right the first time and they can do more work ca n't they than somebody else you are not having to pick it up as the manager responsible and put mistakes right .
2 We are not told that these are part of a continuing ritual , but we are encouraged to treat them as such by the similarity present in the three meetings which are connected with each other further by the Shakespearian language applied to each .
3 It 's been accepted that these are credit arrangements under the local government Planning and Land Act , so therefore , it is not unreasonable to argue that borrowing will not represent a new departure for the County Council in terms of being able to control capital spending .
4 In this connection it is interesting that high temperatures , strong sunlight and certain types of radiation destroy homoeopathic potencies , and that these are agents which are known to destroy long-chain polymers .
5 It scarcely needs to be said that these are equations without solutions .
6 That these are components of a broadly progressive approach to education embraced by the Coordinating Team is both unsurprising and perfectly appropriate .
7 The process of expanding or decomposing the model should be carried out by developing a root definition for each sub-system , taking into account that these are subject in turn to ‘ monitoring and control ’ at the new level of definition .
8 More persuasively , it has to be borne in mind that these are passages which need to be read in the context not only of the cases in which they were concerned but also of the judgments as a whole .
9 But the crucial point about pretence or acting is that these are activities for which there are criteria too .
10 Well er if you looked at the I 'll give you one or two averages and and I have to say that these are figures that are a mixture of what we know from the industry and what we what we know from our own company .
11 It is , in particulars the unnerving intellectuality of the life around him that Hölderlin attacks , the overvaluation of philosophizing and the promise of action that never comes , the substitution of books and words for deeds , the excessive introspection and lack of worldly competence ( the criticism has a special poignancy in that these are character traits he is intimately familiar with , which at times become part of his self-criticism ) When he speaks of Greece , it is not always clear whether he has in mind the fifth century or the timeless present in which Hyperion lives , but it is always Greece that provides the contrast .
12 Discussions involving spacetime inevitably turn to three-dimensional analogies : it should always be borne in mind that these are simplifications .
13 My prognosis is extremely grave and follows from the diagnosis , that these are consequences of a divided society .
14 The fact that the fabliaux are versified is a reflex of the more important fact that these are stories in the vernacular to be laughed at .
15 We wonder what attainment level of today 's national curriculum one needs to reach before spotting that these are howlers .
16 For the purpose of asking whether a given set of people may be enslaved , or deprived of their property , or denied access to the law courts , or the like , decency is best served by remembering that these are beings as conscious and valuable as ourselves , sharing our vulnerabilities and sensibilities .
17 If someone has learned how to operate a word-processor or complete an accurate and intelligible technical drawing then it may be that these are skills he can build upon and will not have to relearn .
18 Remember that these are colour effects , and they will therefore not show up on a black and white viewfinder .
19 While one may note that these are observations that may be drawn as much from first principles as from pragmatic induction , studies by other authors who are not averse to imperialism and all its works tend to convey an impression in Vietnam not only of pervasive French presence but of almost total control .
20 Monsieur W , like the NI , believes that these are times of great opportunity and great danger .
21 ‘ The idea of the letter was to get patients to protest at the lack of central funding and to explain to health board general managers that these are services patients think should be provided , ’ Dr James said .
22 Mary was at pains to point out that these are badges and that the off-quoted ‘ crest ’ is merely an element of the overall design .
23 Let unc Then unc Suppose now we are given , or choose , unc It then follows that unc The eigenvalues of unc are thus 10 and 5 and unc The reader should check that these are eigenvectors of A and that they correspond to eigenvalues 10 and 5 .
24 [ 3 ] The senator made a postprandial oration. and points out that these are variants of the original in a sense which is not true , for example , of " Columbus was brave " or " Columbus was nautical " .
25 I wish to say further that it is important when considering applications under the Convention that it should be borne in mind that these are matters which affect the comity of nations .
26 In his forthcoming visit to Scotland , will the Prime Minister underline the fact that these are matters which the Scottish people should also take into account before moving in the direction Opposition Members would like them to go — in favour of devolution or independence ?
27 I would like to hope that these are teething troubles , but I remain to be convinced .
28 However , this is another indicator that these are garments aimed more at the general leisure market .
29 Of course , we must not forget that these are ski resorts .
30 It is argued that these are debts owed to the community and as such should be accorded a preference .
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