Example sentences of "that [vb base] [adv] their " in BNC.

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1 In Scotland they become territorial on an area of estuary mud from which they filter the small invertebrates that make up their diet .
2 They do not claim that occupation is the same thing as social class , but rather that it is the best single indicator of all those aspects of a person that make up their social class position .
3 Despite popular mythology concerning ‘ evil ’ and vicious species that track down their victims ruthlessly and mercilessly , the reality is that no venom , no poison , no bite , no sting , is ever administered except under extreme provocation or simply by accident , unless the victim is either a potential prey or a rival belonging to the same species .
4 But they 'll have crossed that place off their list . ’
5 Staff need to be made aware of the indicators that trigger off their own prejudices — snotty noses , nose- and ear-rings , coloured hair , leather jackets , elaborate and expensive school uniforms , gum-chewing — all those things that set off an expectation of a certain kind of behaviour , regardless of the individual young person 's personality .
6 Meanwhile , Flupper showed us the deadly thorn bushes that wrap round their prey like octopuses : and then whooshed us off at savage speeds — sometimes so fast he aquaplaned over the water .
7 They are only made possible by enzymes — biological catalysts that speed up their chemical reactions to a respectable level .
8 Under the heading ‘ tax fairness ’ , he has identified wealthy individuals , executive compensation , ‘ runaway plants ’ ( US companies that close down their plants and ship their employees abroad ) and the US subsidiaries of foreign companies as targets for tax increases .
9 Both tortoises and armadillos are animals that carry around their own suit of armour , and at first glance we might think they were related .
10 Those firms that take on their payroll the early leavers will again either gain a subsidy via a reduction of their training levy , or , if they are already claiming the maximum rebate , the payment of a grant from the training board .
11 But as you may know , ESP guitars are handmade in just one factory in Tokyo ; this is not one of those companies that farm out their work to whoever gives them the lowest quotation .
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