Example sentences of "that [det] would have " in BNC.

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1 Now I 'm not necessarily thinking that that would 've happened if the parish council said , we will set up a group .
2 and that was what , I mean if they had erm decided to take more te point of view and to increase production through improved methods of farming and so on , that prob erm I mean we can see that that would 've created higher yields and that , because we 've assessed the situation now
3 He was n't trading on his name ; he did n't think that that would have any particular influence .
4 But , we now have to consolidate , and I decided that that would have to a gentle process , not a sort of Birtian revolution .
5 Erm I I me that that would have erm I believe very very limited erm a very limited impact on the village ,
6 Do you feel that that would have solved the situation on Piper Alpha altogether or how far would it have gone to perhaps lessening the the blow of the the occasion ?
7 The effect that that would have on Scottish defence would be devastating in terms of procurement and the employment of people in the armed forces .
8 It is also the case that most independent commentators — Goldman Sachs , Credit Lyonnais , BZW , Phillips and Drew , Nomura , the CBI — agree that Labour would cause a rise in inflation , with all the impact that that would have on living standards , jobs and future prosperity .
9 I do not think that that would have been the attitude of the young men who were very keen to fight for their country and to serve with their compatriots .
10 Well presumably with , what we 're trying to do is create some sort of alternative family units , we do n't want , although , er , laudable what the youth service does , is , we would n't want , if they do n't want to plugged , clubbable together , if , if , if , if the , the unit could provide that , or provide alternatives to pick up the , the correlation between that and , and ordinary normal family unit , I would hope that that would have been the best way forward , erm , er , because often some youngsters are in this situation because they , they have n't found the , that sort of provision has been helpful for them .
11 In his second day of evidence before Sheriff Brian Lockhart , he said that that would have been good management .
12 Fair enough he may have had a very good reason for doing so but I thought that that would have been a typical apack erm he did say well you know I just want to run it by him , you know , just to make sure but you , you still needed to know why he thought that his accountant had to be involved .
13 They fought for an hour and it seemed that neither would have the mastery .
14 Even if there might n't be much for him in these parts , be it without strife that little would have God 's blessing on it .
15 It was certain that some would have more and some less of the " lowest 40 per cent " nationally , however this target group was defined .
16 Worn flagstones and an oblong of sodden grass surrounded by grey-stoned walls , leaded windows and the lower treads of spiral stairs glimpsed through open doorways was all that some would have seen .
17 Aberdeen went ahead towards the end of the first half after Duncan Shearer chased a ball to the byeline that some would have given up for dead , and made the cross from which Mixu Paatelainen bundled the ball over the line .
18 The Church of England Newspaper said , unkindly , that the weakest part of the Lambeth Conference of 1958 was its report on the Bible ; and that this would have been an excellent report for a Lambeth Conference of 1858 not 1958 .
19 But there are no convincing reasons for believing that this would have a beneficial effect on economic performance .
20 Not that this would have made the slightest difference to the outcome .
21 I can see that this would have given you a problem finding a rhyme for ‘ by ’ , but you should have tried a bit harder .
22 Neville Sims , chairman of the committee that heard the case , said in the statement ( see p 99 ) that while the case was not easy to decide , ‘ in our opinion the relationship between the individuals in Coopers , Asil Nadir and PPI constituted a clear continuing professional relationship , and had you made proper inquiries before accepting the appointment , that this would have been clear to you ’ .
23 ‘ Four weeks ago there was a lineside fire problem with a steam locomotive and our operations people agreed with the promoters that this would have to be monitored carefully .
24 It was almost inevitable that this would have a negative effect on any innovative work .
25 She would never be a great beauty , he knew , but she had a natural charm and personality that lent an extra depth to her character , and he imagined that this would have been how his mother would have looked at a similar age .
26 Mr. Howell frankly accepted that this would have been the result .
27 As the poets say — ’ he could not bring to mind a single line and so he stopped , and looked down on the lake as if in mourning , intuiting , correctly , that this would have the same effect as a couplet .
28 On opening my eyes I did n't dare to imagine that this would have worked .
29 Finance Minister Ruth Richardson said that this would have to be made up from other cuts in public spending .
30 On checking the data , it was clear that this would have been inaccurate , since it would have excluded citations not covered by the Science Citation Index ( SCI ) for the period before 1970 .
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