Example sentences of "that [vb past] always [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But on this particular morning it was taking him longer than usual to kindle the cheeky spark that had always singled him out from the rest .
2 It was Sylvie 's unconventionality that had always fascinated them all .
3 The solution was relatively easy partly because what was required by society as a whole fitted in very closely with what the showmen believed themselves and partly because the new social awareness was really only a refinement of those old nineteenth-century platitudes that had always underpinned popular fiction .
4 Now the sons , dominated by their love for and estimation of the primal father could maintain the altruism and cooperativeness of their way of life because of their guilt regarding the one thing that had always threatened that cooperation — their lust .
5 A created universe , unlike one that had always existed , was one in which the Creator had been free to exercise His will in devising the laws that nature should obey .
6 But of the endless numbers that had always grown there , only a few dozen remained .
7 The only way to deal with him was to fall back on the technique that had always served her best .
8 His next kiss was very different from the ones that had gone before — swift , fierce and possessive , as if he were claiming back something that had always belonged to him .
9 I lay on his bed later and strove to want him , strove to feel even a faint shadow of the sensations that had always engulfed me before , when I had known they must be frustrated .
10 Then she had started on a career that had always appealed to her : in the world of antiques .
11 She was aware that , even standing there , rolling up the sleeves above his tanned , muscular arms as he pondered the problem before him , Ross still possessed that sinister stillness , the iron self-control that had always set him apart from any one else she had ever known .
12 It was good , and it was getting better , and no matter what he did , all the old tricks that had always worked so well , the talking in the wings , blocking her when she was on stage , that voice never faltered .
13 He knew , in his heart , that he had always been a little bit frightened of it really … opening out the throttle … he remembered the feeling of queasiness that had always accompanied that burst of power .
14 SUDDENLY , the course of history seemed to change : penalties , a subject that had always clouded Barcelona 's relationship with Real Madrid , now fell upon the Catalans like gentle rain .
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