Example sentences of "that [vb past] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The choice of the latter led Leavis , to whom I sent the paper later , to expostulate , but at that time I thought that Read was heading for an eminence which , at least as a creative writer , he never attained .
2 And I I last time I were there I went there for erm well to put it fairly straight I went to consult on something that 'd been done .
3 The schools that existed were run by either the Church or private individuals and education was for the rich or those able enough to get scholarships , and women 's education was not an issue .
4 The silence that followed was broken only by the buzzing and blundering of insects , the uninterrupted beating of cricket legs .
5 On the other hand , anti-papalism and anti-Catholicism had struck deep roots within Elizabethan society , and when England was threatened by Spain in the late 1580s the war that followed was viewed by many in England as a glorious life or death struggle for national and religious survival against the evil forces of the counter-Reformation .
6 The action that followed was to become a classic of naval warfare .
7 The charges of genocide that followed were denied by Iraq but pressure accumulated for a UN investigation , not least through the criticism of Turkish premier Ozal , whose own country 's relations with its Kurdish minority have enjoyed a chequered history over the years .
8 The disputes that followed were to drive a wedge between Law and Docherty which persist with increasing bile and acrimony to the present day .
9 For example , the final black-hole state is independent of whether the body that collapsed was composed of matter or antimatter , and whether it was spherical or highly irregular in shape .
10 One idea that worked was to examine checks and captures early .
11 Many of the new firms that started were under-capitalised and so went to the wall , but the net number has increased by many hundreds of thousands since 1979 .
12 In the United States the theory that evolved was based on ‘ pitch phonemes ’ ( Wells , 1945 ; Pike , 1945 ) : four contrastive pitch levels were established and intonation was described basically in terms of a series of movements from one of these levels to another .
13 ''' That was exactly what the average person called on to make self-criticism thought : all that mattered was getting through the ritual humiliation , and then going for a drink .
14 All that mattered was keeping her secret .
15 This might have made sense when all Council decisions that mattered were passed on the basis of unanimity .
16 The complex pattern of linkages that emerged was labelled by Burton the ‘ cobweb model ’ .
17 Not a great deal of intervention took place , and most that did was directed towards small companies in ‘ high-tech ’ sectors , which tended to be located in the south of England .
18 She heard the incredulity in his voice and it fuelled the small truth that had been niggling at her , unacknowledged , all day .
19 That always used to be a fortnight to three weeks to unload a ship but this one ship , that was called , I remember that was called the lovely ship and that had been bombed , that had a bomb drop right on the .
20 There was also concern about the environmental damage that had been suffered as a result of decisions about economic development taken in Moscow rather than in the republics themselves .
21 With neither the political crisis that Labour 's resignation from the Government would have caused , nor the industrial explosion , which — however much pacifists might fear it — would undoubtedly have created new possibilities for their politics , the momentum that had been building up since the Russian Revolution nearly a year earlier was sharply checked .
22 that he finally gave way to the tears that had been building up inside him since Michael 's visit .
23 Luke was in command and this time instinct told Robyn there would be no withdrawal , no respite from his sexual onslaught , from the tension that had been building between them since the very first moment .
24 But it did break down some of the unbearable tension that had been building .
25 It trembled uncomprehendingly over Harry Dunstaple running towards the ramparts waving a sabre and shouting orders , with the bulging pockets of his Tweedside lounging jacket swinging about his knees over Ford , carefully laying a train back to the wall of the churchyard from one of the fougasses that had been dug … over the Sikhs staggering here and there with loads of small stones to shovel into another fougasse not yet completed … over the green Fleury having a rest in the shade of a tamarind beside the Church wall … and finally over the pariah dog , looking towards Fleury with admiration but from a respectful distance ( for Fleury continued to reject its advances ) .
26 So the funeral went on and the person was lowered into the grave that had been dug and the grave digger was asked to stay behind and they quickly got it put where it should be .
27 So these things came to an end , I recall that on one occasion I was offered the eye of a sheep that had been cooked on a vast platter .
28 Her first two charges were a kitten that had been kicked so hard its front paw was broken and a dog who no-one would taken ‘ because it was so strange-looking . ’
29 She smiled to herself , reflecting that this was the question that had been torturing Richard all his life .
30 Some hours later , after a torrential thunderstorm , the wriggling foot , that had been kicking in very strange places , finally broke through and I soke at five in the morning with a warm , wet feeling .
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