Example sentences of "that [vb past] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Skirting a small lake , they had stared to see a great , grey fisher-bird that stabbed and paddled in the sedge , until a flight of wild duck had frightened them away with their clamour .
2 The HERMS data base was managed by a number of VARPRO programs " wrapped around " menu key file commands that inserted and manipulated parts .
3 But whoever it was that made that claim obviously did not have a school day on which he was expected to use MY brain to do one of Mr Kent 's maths tests !
4 Smoke that rippled and soared .
5 His stress on Marxism as a historical method that presupposed and required the idea of totality initiated a course that determined the history of Western Marxism to our own day .
6 A sudden hatred came over her ; a cold , bitter hating of everything that lived and breathed .
7 At the centre of all that lived and moved in this ghastly universe was the mine .
8 Powers were divided between the Congress of People 's Deputies and the Supreme Soviet , but it was the Supreme Soviet that met and conducted business for about eight months of the year .
9 Along its length were neon strips that fluttered and buzzed .
10 Those Frenchmen , Sharpe noticed , had deployed from column into a line that overlapped and outnumbered Saxe-Weimar 's brigade , yet the Nassauers were fighting well .
11 They seemed so much less menacing than the crows that pecked and fought in the newly harvested fields at home .
12 He left Helen and went to have a bath and in the cold steamy bathroom there came to him this vision of a distant unreal Helen looking — well , radiant was the unexpected word that came to mind — looking not her usual self at all in some frock that glowed and billowed and rustled as she came in at the front door late , pink-cheeked , a touch dishevelled and greeted by the stone wall of Dorothy 's disapproval .
13 She was especially taken by statuettes of Astrada ; transparent material filled with coloured gas that swirled and glowed , spinning visions of ancient fields and Arcadian mountains .
14 Paddling on , we reached the famous and beautiful Allagash Falls , a 40 foot drop of rushing water that swirled and snaked over rocks and bends , huge boulders and whirlpools .
15 Many are firms that expanded and invested with no expectation of 15 per cent .
16 It was the in-between of that sludge-grey spring that stopped and started , flowers bursting out then drenched with sleet , blighted by snow ; skies grey and thundery , rain mean and seeping , wind a slinking greasy cur that has paddled through filthy city ponds and has nowhere to go .
17 She confirmed to McIllvanney that the weather-fax machine and the Loran and the Satnav and the radar and all the other things that hummed and winked and glowed in the night were working properly .
18 The narrow road they were following was overhung with oak and chestnut trees , their interlaced branches letting through thin , bright shafts of light that flickered and danced over the car as it passed underneath .
19 His eyes were still lingering on the curves hidden by the black material that caught and shimmered in the light as she moved .
20 Again Wexford was becoming bemused by the colours , by the seductive spectrum that caught and held his eye wherever he looked .
21 But the thing that caught and held her attention was the metal collar banding his neck .
22 Whatever it was that lured or drove them there , these creatures , over the millennia , lumbering after their food , became more and more efficient at moving and breathing out of water .
23 Thus two developments could threaten this society of thrifty peasants , most of whom could read and write : the division of holdings — a process that custom prevented in the Basque Provinces — and an assault on the commons that created and sustained the municipal community and the egalitarian society .
24 Tongues of the holy spirit of the woods , that trembled but did not go out .
25 A mouth that trembled and opened to expose pointed thorns for teeth seemed to work to speak ; over all , the shape of the woodland creature was that of a wolf , but a bare boned wolf , its fur gone , its flesh shrunken on to the jutting bones of its body .
26 Thus the dark matter would be spread around in a way that mimicked but exaggerated the initial fluctuations .
27 of sand , that sneezed and sneezed to expel him .
28 He appeared and re-appeared snapping everything that moved or did n't — such as the bowler whose fingers got stuck in the three finger holes when attempting to launch .
29 But now she could see the charm , could read the meaning , of the observer 's role , a meaning inaccessible to a sixteen-year-old , to a thirty-year-old — for the observer was not , as she had from the vantage , the disadvantage of childhood supposed , charged with an envious and impotent malice , and consumed with a fear of imminent death : no , the observer was filled and informed with a quick and lively and long-established interest in all those that passed before , in all those that moved and circled and wheeled around , was filled with intimate connections and loving memories and hopes and concerns and prospects .
30 The Japanese shot at anything that moved and carried out the raid with skill and speed ; the Americans were taken by complete surprise .
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