Example sentences of "that [vb past] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 In fact it was rather modernism , as its name implies ( from latin modo , just now , or hodie , today ) , that tried to awake from the nightmare of history , self-consciously setting itself against the past , and rejecting forms of historical understanding .
2 The pale daylight that entered came from a single tiny window in the front wall , but there were no curtains .
3 The excitement persisted as she worked beside Silas , making her acutely aware of his masculinity and of the vitality that seemed to ooze from every pore of his body .
4 As though the very lamps in the gleaming candelabra were powered by the electricity that seemed to radiate from his skin .
5 That strength of mind one could sense below the surface , that glow of authority that seemed to radiate from his skin .
6 The existence of a Jovian magnetic field was established in the 1950s by radio-telescope observations , which detected radio waves that seemed to arise from the motion of charged particles in a magnetic field and were certainly non-thermal ( section 2.2.1 ) .
7 After a few thrusting minutes Edward gave a strangled cry that seemed to come from deep in his throat and jerked out of her .
8 There was something curiously menacing in the repetitive drumbeats that seemed to come from nowhere .
9 A queer , throaty , chuckling , gobbling sound that seemed to come from somewhere above them , higher up the path .
10 It was midwinter but one of those strange warm days that seemed to come from nowhere to tell you that spring is n't really far away .
11 Choking back his own fear of the desolate , grassless woodland , the before-dawn-returning owls that they could hear some way off and the extraordinary , rank animal smell that seemed to come from somewhere rather nearer , he began .
12 Bernice became aware of a humming , rising in pitch and volume , that seemed to come from all around .
13 He spoke very shrewdly and at alarming speed , in a low voice that seemed to come from elsewhere ; though his lips might be moving in front of Arthur , the shafts of help would sound as if they came from the wings or the orchestra pit .
14 With a groan that seemed to come from the bottom of the earth , Luke reached down and tore away the lacy silk that covered her .
15 A high-pitched noise that seemed to come from the head of the stairs .
16 A cheerful , boozy chain-smoker , who had started his career as a film editor , Ron had a cough that seemed to rise from the soles of his shoes , and a propensity for laughing hugely at his own , often very filthy , jokes .
17 It was n't just the overwhelming sense of power that seemed to emanate from him as he stood there , it was something in the startlingly blue eyes which raked her slender figure and delicate features with an intensity that almost took her breath away .
18 My head was full of sound , a high , piercing note that seemed to ring from the desert and reach the terrace in waves .
19 ‘ When I told Chris I was pregnant , I expected panic certainly , but not the hatred that came pouring from him .
20 Balcon could reasonably feel defensive about the sort of criticism of British cinema that began to appear from the Film Society milieu , particularly in the pages of Close Up , a journal founded in 1927 .
21 The rain beat against the peeling door and the uncurtained windows and dripped from the still bloody lambskin that swung spreadeagled from the washing line .
22 Knock-out : The last minute goal that kept United from defeat .
23 This also served to dye the nasty brown hairs that kept growing from the roots underneath .
24 Swamp-flies , dung-flies , offal-flies , sand-flies , flies that liked to sip from the eyeballs of crocodiles , corpse-flies , rotting-vegetation-flies , pseudo-flies that fed on magnetic fields .
25 A Hampshire hotel hit on a clever country house compromise with gentle piano recordings that appeared to come from a live performer in the next room — creating a delightful backdrop to afternoon tea .
26 The only component that had faded from the picture was Captain Buck 's Special Interrogation Group , ‘ owing to difficulties in recruiting ’ !
27 For many of the committed , for many of the organizers , the issue was n't peace , it was war : victorious war for Vietnam 's National Liberation Front , and class war on the bourgeoisie — a word that had faded from much of the left in the long years of ‘ The British road to socialism ’ .
28 The sky was bright , the distant grumble of thunder died away and the sun shone , striking light off the puddles that had gathered from the downpour .
29 In the prosecution of the war , the Left discovered far greater opportunities for political advance than any that had arisen from the anti-war struggles of the 1930s .
30 Louis 's aim was twofold : first , to cope with the tensions that had arisen from the implementation of ecclesiastical reforms , for instance by sending out missi to settle disputes between clergy and laymen over the appropriation of tithes ; and second , to tighten control of local government , for instance , by asking missi to draw up lists of all those liable for military service in each county .
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