Example sentences of "that [pers pn] now have " in BNC.

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1 I remember the awe with which I realised — suddenly , while pushing the bike up the bog road — that I now had no excuses for putting off being happy ; there was no one left to blame .
3 The immediate outcome was that I now had someone to take me around , and I used to brag a bit about ‘ my ’ Corporal .
4 He also told me that I now had a younger brother , Russell , which made me feel excited and wonder that he could be like .
5 Ted Ray , one of the judges , reminded me that I now had to work out an act for ‘ The All Winners Show ’ , which happened every seventh week , a contest between the six previous show winners .
6 I could n't think of a single thing to say , but dimly realized that I now had my role for the evening ; I had done nothing to bring this off ; but I was to be the identifiable face of the campaign .
7 Assuming that I now had BWB approval in principle and a promise of funding , I went ahead and on 12 May called on our members for volunteers .
8 I can now take precautionary action , however , with the knowledge that I now have , to limit the severity of the attack and even sometimes prevent the attack itself .
9 It is with considerable regret that I now have to tell the general assembly that although other parts of the Board 's work , and the Board 's investicl invested capital have performed well from a financial point of view , the anticipated deficit on thirty eight eventide homes has been sustained .
10 ‘ I 'm also pleased that I now have a style I can easily recreate at home .
11 Margaret was pleased to see that she now had Reg 's full attention .
12 Perhaps it was this , the fact that she now had someone else to love her , that made it possible for me to make a proper apology , to stutter out confusedly , red-faced , that I was sorry about what had happened .
13 The problem was that determination seemed to be all that she now had left , and it was n't a currency that was likely to get her any further .
14 However , ‘ she said that she now has really no friends or relations in the world and there are times when she feels very lonely .
15 Diana has never been close to the Princess Royal , and demonstrated that she now has no intention of pretending otherwise .
16 Remember that you now have an absolute Up and Down .
17 Assure it that you now have other ways of handling life , or new beliefs , that it can now help you in some other way .
18 Museum charges : the number of people visiting the Science Museum ( for example ) was 53 per cent lower in 1991 than in 1981 — thanks to the fact that you now have to pay .
19 Flying forwards is exactly the same as hovering in a wind except that you now have consciously to do things which you probably did automatically in the hover .
20 Fold the edges over 3/4 inch ( 2cm ) top and bottom , so that you now have a double thickness 1½–2 inches ( 4–5cm ) wide with a clean folded edge top and bottom .
21 There are not many guarantees I can make in this game , but one thing I can assure you of is that you now have 1,000 shares in.
22 Write down examples of previous relationships that have followed similar patterns to the one that you now have with the addict in your life .
23 While this downswing will not be as sharp as the previous downturn ( in 1979-81 ) , not least given the very much lower level of inflation that we now have , a dull 1989 is bound to be followed by a difficult 1990 . ’
24 The point is rather that we now have a strong data base from which to operate , and that the technical means are now available which would reveal precisely what our signals do mean ; perhaps to show that there are monsters , perhaps to find , at least beyond reasonable doubt , that their existence is too unlikely to warrant further study .
25 This is possibly my favourite Dvořák Quartet and I am delighted that we now have a CD version which does the piece proud .
26 I mean , you are aware that we now have ‘ Satriani-esque ’ in the language !
27 There are many inevitable but accidental resemblances to names that we now have or know … ’
28 This work , it is true , was largely conducted in the belief that simply gathering information alone would eventually lead to an understanding of the brain , but the fact remains that we now have an impressive body of evidence against which to evaluate the new theories that are emerging .
29 The Floribunda has become very popular , and as this has increased so has the H.T. influence increased over the Polyantha to the extent that we now have H.T. type roses being borne in abundance .
30 One common occurrence , as a consequence of this obsession with secrecy , is that we now have a system of government by leaks .
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