Example sentences of "that [pers pn] might get " in BNC.

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1 I knew what I was going out to and I was only concerned that there might be some hitch or delay , that I might get there and find that someone had made a mistake and I was n't due out for another six months — such was my anxiety to be released .
2 ‘ I always thought that I might get into meteorology later , but of course you never do , ’ says Alison without too much regret .
3 A curate at St Luke 's , an older man from the West Indies , almost persuaded my parents to let me go out to Codrington College in the West Indies , but my headmaster was firm against this , expressing the hope that I might get a scholarship to an English university .
4 ‘ I 'm keeping my fingers crossed that I might get a bit of it to strengthen the squad . ’
5 Pulled between the conflicting impulses , I ought to resist the craving which dulls the awareness which moves me to abstain , because for me that is a causally necessary condition of obeying ‘ Face the fact that you might get cancer ’ .
6 And that happened each day till Thursday and then , by then , you were delivering what had come back from the Monday , hoping that when you delivered , and collected the money of course , that you might get something else tt , which I were n't too bad a salesman really .
7 Now we 've not done aggression , so there 's absolutely no way that you 're expected to know anything about it , but that 's a typical question that you might get on a social psychology paper .
8 Their Inasia Shampoo Bars cost £2.25 and the only snag is that you might get muddled on the side of the bath and mix them up with the soap .
9 But there is nowhere else that we might get our conception of the physical world from , other than perception .
10 We thought it possible that we might get an auto-immune reaction otherwise — similar to that which occurs when a patient rejects a heart or kidney transplant .
11 The situation was only just controllable , but it seemed that we might get to bed before midnight without being beaten up .
12 I always held that view and did all I could to press for an election before Christmas in order that we might get a majority large enough to stand the racket . "
13 ‘ It is also possible — so unpredictable is the Law , even with a special jury as we would have — that we might get less .
14 And we 've written back that we might get money from but can we use it for I E buying chairs and other things or for the general welfare .
15 Oh I think it 'd be nice to have a video , because like , when Rebecca gets older erm cos I personally , my own feelings are that we might get Charles as King , but after Charles there wo n't be anything cos they 'll do away with them .
16 As he explains in the ‘ Epistle to the Reader ’ , he began it after a discussion in which it occurred to him and his friends that they might get further with the problems which concerned them if they were first to ‘ examine our own abilities , and see , what objects our understandings were , or were not fitted to deal with ’ .
17 Somehow I never dreamed that they might get involved , especially as they are in London .
18 The Founders had always thought that they might get some pension-fund money .
19 They would like to be able to be caring within limits , and without the fear that they might get overwhelmed or taken for a ride .
20 Similar to ( age-related ) personal allowance , the married couple 's age-related increases are subject to a couple 's income so it is possible that they might get less than the full addition — or maybe nothing extra at all .
21 Then lie suggested that they might get Arthur Pugh , the moderate leader of the steelworkers who was that year 's chairman of the TUC , to come down to Chequers for tea and an exploratory talk .
22 They discussed for a moment the possibility that they might get into dreadful trouble but discounted it .
23 The Imperial 's staff , torn between a natural amour propre that a rival team had been imported to cook for the Prince of Wales and relief that they would not be responsible for royalty 's displeasure ( yet with the ignoble hope that they might get all the credit ) , watched anxiously to ensure that the incoming team was competent .
24 They seemed to know when the tragedy of the previous night had occurred , and had maybe come to the theatre in such numbers in the vague hope that they might get a repeat showing .
25 It was felt that they might get into all sorts of trouble abroad , so we were , informally , encouraged to marry rather than burn , as it were .
26 There 's also the problem that it might get nicked .
27 Was he ever worried that he might get stuck with teenage roles ?
28 Later in the night , as she lay crying at his side , he bade her for God 's sake to stop snivelling , so that he might get to sleep .
29 As his series of meetings progressed , some at Chartwell , some in London , there was even fear on the part of Jones and Davidson that he might get a settlement in the absence of the Prime Minister and thus damage Baldwin 's position .
30 She thought that he might get killed .
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