Example sentences of "that [pers pn] know [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ By that remark , I take it you mean that I know little or nothing about industrial or trade matters ? ’
2 As the director I have the big advantage that I know all the melodies .
3 I joined in with the carols — not that I know all the words dear , but I do know the tunes . ’
4 Not that I know all that many people anyway , I suppose ; Jamie is my only real friend , though through him I have met a few people of about my own age I regard as acquaintances .
5 ‘ You know that I know that was n't my piece of stuff .
6 Now that I know that
7 Erm however we would wish to see that policy complemented by the inclusion of the strategic exceptions policy erm and we know that I know that 's to be discussed tomorrow but I will mention now that I think it would have been much more useful to the discussion if we 'd have been able to discuss the strategic sites issue as part of this debate .
8 That 's two people that I know that you know .
9 Not that I know much about him , just that my philosophical friend Kevin Rice despised him .
10 I 've just planted a seed that I know other people
11 ‘ I have simply one question to ask of you and , before you answer , I must inform you that I know full well the delicate details of your personal relationship with the late King . ’
12 Yeah , perhaps it 's just that I know some of the loonies that go up there and get what they want every time .
13 Well , we 'll see er hardly think that I know any active
14 Be sure before you commit yourself to your chosen home that you know all about the boundaries of your property , any rights of way that exist , such as neighbours having access over your gardens , and which fences you have to maintain .
15 Can you adjust your memory of our time together , now that you know all that there is to know ?
16 Get more information first , so that you know all your facts and if you ask us we 'll send him a booklet without saying who er , who asked us to send it and then go in and see him and say , now the Osteoporosis Society have said this and it 's a very brave doctor who will then say absolutely no !
17 Make it a team if you like you know get all the all the other bits of stuff that you know all the other knowledge get that coming in all working together so the whole thing just flows up and down nicely instead of
18 ‘ What will you do — now that you know all this ? ’
19 Yeah , I I ca n't think of any other things that you know that would have led to us sort of withdrawing our labour , e everything else could 've settled amicably or through discussions with the union .
20 What happens , what happens now that you know that somebody has said something very confidential , you know , a personal matter ?
21 the suggestion you 're not gon na get the benefit that you know those who not particularly wan na come forward or those of us who shout our mouths off will get the eye of the chairman
22 But I think , ’ he said , turning to Marian , ‘ that you know more than I. ’
23 See what I 'm saying is ask a nice open question an easy one at the beginning that you know most people are bound to understand you get a lot of participation and then start building it up .
24 Well there 's that I mean there 's all , there 's a whole range of things , there 's ghoulish voyeurism right , I mean that that 's important , there 's also the way the Royals have been peddled by the media over the decades and the fact that you know this has been how they 've been tendered this is what they actually are and that y you , you know what I 'm saying that erm or whatever it is between this is what they are , this is what we 've been and they do n't match , they really do n't match .
25 She points out that we know little of the differential impact of changing material circumstances on different kinds of tending , and is surely right when she argues that it would be ‘ useful and interesting to discover how long term unemployment alters conjugal roles as far as caring is concerned ’ .
26 All we have to do is tell her that we know all about her parents . ’
27 Mary , you must try and transfer it , do n't you , because you ca n't see that Jo 's handset 's off the hook , we 'll assume that we know that , okay , we 'll cheat , we 'll try and call park it .
28 If it could be shown , for instance , that we know sufficient about the deliberation of legislators , political and judicial , to be assured , for instance , that they were better informed than we are then this might be a reason for giving weight to the content of the law in deciding what is morally right or wrong in areas where we felt that we lacked sufficient knowledge .
29 It 's the richness of the language — that we know more filth than anybody else .
30 ‘ Now that we know British food is just about the worst in the world , ’ says Jonathon Porritt , director of Friends of the Earth UK , ‘ how ironic it is that we and other rich nations are exporting fat and sugar to starving people in Africa and Asia .
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