Example sentences of "that [pers pn] will never " in BNC.

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1 It taught me a lesson about drinking and driving that I 'll never forget . ’
2 If you write that I 'll never speak to you again .
3 They 've made it fairly clear to me that I 'll never be a high-flier , but every company needs some people who are n't high-fliers , and that 's all right by me .
4 The older woman looks tense and upset , and says she 's missing her bingo , but dare n't go to her old club " because he might see me , " but if she does n't go she 'll miss the annual trip and , " if I do n't go on that I 'll never get out .
5 The first is that I 'll never walk out on you again .
6 ‘ Have n't I given sufficient indication that I 'll never marry her ? ’
7 Of course Scamp gets to claim about twenty grand on some dubious insurance policy and I resign myself to the fact that I 'll never get beyond Inspector .
8 You have my word , Fran , that I 'll never kiss you again … in anger .
9 ‘ The more I live the more I realise there are things that I 'll never do .
10 Oh no I 've just started a colour that I 'll never ever be able to find again .
11 I do hope and pray that I will never have the need to use it .
12 I look at both my sewing and knitting as wonderful gifts that I will never tire of .
13 I have grown used to the fact that I will never ‘ convert ’ some colleagues however enthusiastic , persuasive or reasoned I am .
14 They echoed each phrase as he continued : ‘ … that I will never mention the existence of any such letter to anyone else — now , or at any time in the future , so help me , God . ’
15 It 's the same common fear that I will fall apart , physically and emotionally , that I will be reduced to a pile of tattered pulp , that I will never be loved by anyone , that I will fail , like … like — ’
16 I promise on my old mother 's teeth that I will never drink or take Bobby Charlton 's name in vain again .
17 I will vow to you that I will never suffer myself to be engaged without your approbation .
18 That each morning , like a beautiful woman , it will reveal some hidden facet to me so that I will never be bored with its presence . ’
19 I 'm sure it 's a hard decision to make and I 'm happy in the knowledge that I will never have to carry the responsibility of deciding whether or not to deprive the chance of life .
20 I 'll never forget that I will never forget that , I had , I 'll told my mum like that we I told my mum we 'd be sleeping over and she said that was alright and she sort of looked at me as if to say mm , yes will Helena 's brother be there ?
21 But the spoils are enough to cushion the realisation that she will never be totally free of this marriage .
22 And her lawyers have been ruthless in thrashing out a divorce settlement with Fergie which ensures that she will never be able to take her children abroad where they would be out of the Queen 's control .
23 While she knows that Prince William will one day become king she is firm in her belief that she will never become queen .
24 Whereupon the Isabella of Columbus 's weary , but also vengeful imaginings is shaken to her very marrow by the realization that she will never , never , NEVER ! be satisfied by the possession of the known .
25 One is married already , one has declared that she will never take a husband , and the third has two suitors after her as it is .
26 ‘ She writes that she will never show the photograph to anybody .
27 It is clear that she will never marry and have children , follow a career enjoy the leisure interests of her own age group or otherwise enjoy the quality of life which so many take for granted .
28 Is she confident that she will never drink again ?
29 Often you see a beautiful girl with an ugly guy and people say ‘ Why is she with him ? ’ or vice versa , but that person may have something that you 'll never have .
30 I feel that we 're equals , that you 'll never allow me to dominate you .
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