Example sentences of "that [prep] time the " in BNC.

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1 In particular , we shall see that with time the Whigs became increasingly identified as a party of the Court and the royal executive , whilst the Tories , by the end of Anne 's reign , had essentially become a Country party .
2 They hoped that the division of Palestine into Israeli and Jordanian parts could become permanent and that in time the reasons for war would slowly fade away .
3 Natural selection saw to it that these were the ones to survive so that in time the orang became substantially smaller .
4 This was based on the assumption that once supranational institutions had been set up in one economic sector , interest groups would look to that political level for the realisation of their demands , and that in time the groups would begin to appreciate the value to themselves of integration .
5 This implies that in time the antisemitic ideology will disappear , as a young post-war generation takes over the leadership of the far right .
6 This was not obvious to most people in the later nineteenth century , and the general effect of the Second Law was to encourage the gloomy belief that in time the universe would die the heat death of general tepidity : that the universe would see Victorians and their foreseeable descendants out , its death being many million years away , was little consolation to believers in progress , who saw it all stopping in the distant future .
7 Banks hope that in time the use of these cards will substantially reduce the number of cheques that are written , since debit-card transactions are much cheaper for the banks to process than transactions by cheque .
8 The implication is obviously that over time the proportion of the portfolio devoted to government securities is slowly increasing .
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