Example sentences of "that [adj] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It means ‘ to give a bit more ’ and reflects the love that Creole and Cajun people have for their cuisine , but it can refer to a helping of food , a cookery tip , or even just giving more care and attention to an everyday dish .
2 A new selection panel was trying very hard to make a good , early impression with players stiffened by the knowledge that strong and winning performances against Ireland would lead to places on the tour to Australia and South Africa later in the season .
3 Crime and Punishment did not merely reflect or even confirm that strange and removed elsewhere , the world journalists write about .
4 Given the success in getting the Israelis and Palestinians round the table , would it not make more sense for the Government to right that wrong and ensure that , during our presidency from July onwards , we talk directly to the PLO ?
5 Phone cards have done a lot to alleviate the problem , but British Telecommunications Plc is required by its licence to maintain coin-operated public telephones as well , and the company reckons that smashing and entering of the cash boxes costs it £19m a year — and if you think that it 's all just casual vandalism , think again — the company told the Daily Mail that there was actually a man offering courses on the best ways of clawing open the boxes quickly and easily — he charged £80 for the course , and then took the best pupil out for a test run around the local boxes .
6 This was a curious phenomenon that perplexed and exasperated those involved in running the scheme .
7 They would turn the clock back to policies that impoverished and divided our country .
8 On one side stand the absolutists , such as Fay Weldon and Harold Pinter , who feel that burning and banning books is intolerable ; on the other stand the pragmatists who feel that freedom of expression is not an absolute good and that censorship ( self-imposed , imposed by neighbours or by Parliament ) is justified to protect the sensibilities of those whose views are fundamentalist , and thus illiberal .
9 Environmentalists opposed to the operation claim that existing and planned plantations could supply 95 per cent of the woodchip industry 's needs .
10 We then decided to lay out the parts that fitted and draw the rest .
11 It is important that gross and tare weighings should not be entered on a single ticket unless the interval between the two weighings is less than 24 hours .
12 But it was meditation that puzzled and eluded me most .
13 She was delighted with the high trees , privet and rhododendrons that protected and sheltered the houses .
14 ‘ She changed that overnight and left me with a broken heart — I will never be the same again .
15 He 'd gone with one once , after a party , back to a flat with a friend of Dave 's , who 'd laughed at him and had eyes that made him feel he was being drawn into something he could n't stop , and when she shed her clothes and left them discarded on the floor he 'd stared , open-mouthed , aware of the noise inside his head , something to do with what he 'd drunk , he could still hear the music , and was aware too of the smell of some cologne that merged with hairspray and covered something that he did not want to know about , the dirt and dust of the room and the female odours that half-attracted and repelled him .
16 This has avoided complex questions , debate or dissent in its ranks — it has blocked from their vision that difficult and muddling word emblazoned on every pro-abortion banner : ‘ choice ’ .
17 It had to be an art that did not separate him from the uncultured poor but was founded in them , gathering them to him in a home of art they could all share , a home that sheltered and consoled ; a warm place .
18 Erm but what happened then is er tended to get the main bearing supply for the normal spindles that manufactured and built .
19 The coalition warns that federal and state regulations on environment , health and safety may be put at risk if the draft is agreed .
20 Firstly , Working Paper 5 ( para 1.6 ) states that ‘ Authorities will need to keep asset registers and calculate capital charges for each functional unit so that budgetary and costing systems also reflect managerial responsibility for assets ’ .
21 He followed her when she moved towards the cliffs and began to climb up the path that curved and twisted on the cliff-face .
22 It was a slow , infuriating process , and as A roads gave way to B and Robyn neared her destination already two hours late , the slowly darkening skies became as black and as desperate as Robyn 's frame of mind , until the heavens opened and it started to pour — not reasonable , perfectly acceptable drops of rain from a warm July sky , but pounding , penetrating torrents that battered and bounced off the roof of the jeep and seeped in through the ill-fitting windows .
23 Liberal Democrats believe that expanding and utilising to the full scientific and technological talents offers the only chance of improving our performance and reversing the long tale of our relative economic decline .
24 Rural pursuits as well as urban required the protection that written and confirmed consuetudines could bestow .
25 He had looked at her in a way that frightened and worried her , but looking back she became excited and stirred by his attention .
26 Government contracts become so important for the survival and prosperity of whole communities that local and state politicians follow their more prestigious congressional colleagues into the morass .
27 Temperate species are slow to accept it ; those that de-hardened and resumed growth at the first sign of spring warming would suffer severe damage in subsequent frosts .
28 Politically [ the villages ] will be the instrument for the realisation of worker power in government , defence , production etc … we know that dispersed and disorganised we [ the workers ] will never exercise power .
29 And then she heard the words that surprised and startled , confused her , so that the green eyes that flashed and sparked with anger softened and melted as she looked at him and heard each gently spoken syllable .
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