Example sentences of "i [was/were] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If I were to be wrapped up warmly , and … ’
2 George and I were to be victims , I was to be taken to the top floor and George to the third floor up .
3 The nut appears to be plastic and , if I were to be really picky , has been cut a hair on the high side .
4 If I were to be critical it would be to say that the scratchplates could be finished off more tidily , and occasionally the necks and bodies do n't look entirely new — although that 's hardly surprising , really .
5 Henniker and I were to be taken up to Mr. Ingard 's room , Spalding and Miss Robinson were to go to the offices allotted to us on the second floor .
6 If I were to be denied my belief in the almost limitless potential of my students , I 'd give up .
7 But it or if I were to be thinking I 'd say , Is n't he .
8 And I do n't know , certainly the shift I was with were very loyal , always turned up and you know we ne we never had any problems .
9 Well when it was started up , the first unit that I was with was from the shop floor at Bloxwich Lock and Stamping and erm it took the nucleus of people off the shop floor and then after we 'd finished our ten hour shift during the summer or when we could , we started foot drill training in the yard of the factory .
10 I thought he was fun but I did n't take much notice especially since this boy I was with was angry .
11 ‘ The high school I was at was among the first to have a tiny in-school radio station , news , views , interviews and a touch of music , and consequently we 'd attracted quite a bit of somewhat condescending attention from real stations around town .
12 Later they told me that the examination had shown that I was not yet sixteen and that I was to be sent back on the next flight . ’
13 I saw some of the places that were to play an important part in the later dramas of my life : the great Clerecia church where I was to be sitting one momentous morning , and beside it the lovely Casa de las Conchas , its walls decorated with rows of carved scallop shells — seven rows adorn the upper storeys .
14 If I was to be arrested , I would be arrested with dignity .
15 The upshot was that I was summoned by the university authorities and told that I was to be allowed to continue my studies but only under certain stringent conditions .
16 And it was because you told her I was to be the baby 's legal mother when the adoption went through . ’
17 I was to be incarcerated for another two days and nights on a diet of three assorted pills and a curious fizzy powder in a paper wrapper , presented every few hours with instructions in mime .
18 It was an affliction rather than a gift , and I was to be healed of it two years later by what I believe was the power of Christ .
19 In the years that followed I was to be in that lovely apartment many times visiting Jessica and Celia , who served the most delicious toasted bacon sandwiches and coffee that I have ever tasted .
20 After the lecture there were tea and refreshments and it was not until fairly late that I rang Emily just to say Hello , and how sorry I was to be too busy to get over to the house to see her this trip .
21 What if , like my poor neighbour , I was to be so riddled with cancer , that after cutting me open , they just sewed me up and sent me home ?
22 How glad I was to be homeless .
23 I was to be at the harbour at 8 a.m. on the dot .
24 George and I were to be victims , I was to be taken to the top floor and George to the third floor up .
25 As it turned out , fate had decreed that I was to be the one who would change this unhappy state of affairs .
26 She did not know that I was to be there and came forward saying : ‘ My dear Elizabeth , what a very nice surprise .
27 They informed me that my Mom had been taken into hospital and I was to be taken into care until she recovered .
28 Just on a year ago , as I was to be in London at the time of the World Cup , I made enquiries about obtaining tickets to attend some of the Cup matches in the United Kingdom .
29 ‘ Then I could show Mother Francis that I 'd be back up in the convent in time for Mass in the chapel , and she 'd get to know I was to be relied on . ’
30 But I was to be disappointed .
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