Example sentences of "i [vb base] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Peterborough , I mean is nice , certain parts ,
2 Is that the general , I mean I do n't know for all you car drivers have any thing to say about public transport , maybe you do n't know any more but those of you who use it , I mean is hopeless the general view ? , yes
3 Yes , I mean certainly storage , I mean is important .
4 I mean be thankful she 's not like that .
5 I mean be sorry for him .
6 Do you sort of , I mean be truthful
7 They might think they 're getting away with it , a lot of people who , who , I mean being unemployed is n't , you tend , people tend to feel devalued and so if they can think oh , they 've put one over on that , on the er , benefit office , then they 'll go and brag down the pub about it .
8 Wright J. struck out paragraphs 18 and 19 of the order of Buckley J. despite paragraph 33 because ‘ the Crown Prosecution Service are not a party , and no order I make is capable of binding it . ’
9 ‘ Everything I make is hand-cut from large pieces of glass and hand-soldered .
10 Now the choices and values are not only what I trust are right choices and correct beliefs ; they are my choices , my beliefs , my convictions
11 I hate being sick and one thing another well , it turned out
12 Cos I hate being sick you know .
13 I ca n't , I hate being sick , I can never make myself sick .
14 And he said , but he 's nothing to do with Surrealism , which I expect is true that he did n't belong to the party but then perhaps Spaniards are , in any case , basically surrealist .
15 That , that I , I say is reserved for Parliament .
16 ‘ If you think about it , you 'll see that what I say is true .
17 Er whether it 's er slight moderate or substantial er i is er I say is irrelevant but there certainly is significant benefit as a result of er of thirty percent reduction .
18 Think the only thing you can do is as I say be honest and say that , you know , you 're very worried about your fingers
19 The only quantifiable difference between what happened in this country and in Germany during that period is that the Germans produced many more traffic-calming schemes , which I acknowledge are complicated and in many cases quite expensive .
20 The service I provide is free and there is no obligation on you to buy anything .
21 All I want is easy knobs to turn with
22 Meanwhile Atkinson laughed off any fears of a hostile reception at Hillsborough and said : ‘ The only extra protection I want is thermal underwear .
23 When I stop being useful , she 'll ignore me .
24 So everything I earn is taxable .
25 I count being courteous as part of being professional — and the noise level of delegates and their guests chatting over the awards announcements was at best discourteous to other guests and at worse downright rude to the awards organisers .
26 Say only that this of which I speak is pleasing to you . ’
27 This appeal presents an early opportunity in the life of the Children Act 1989 , to give what I hope is useful guidance to family proceedings courts and their clerks on the subject of findings of facts and reasons .
28 Give what I hope is curt nod , though double chins seem to go on flapping for ever .
29 ‘ The only circumstances in which I would anticipate the use of the remedies of certiorari and mandamus would be in the event , which I hope is unthinkable , of the panel acting in breach of the rules of natural justice — in other words , unfairly .
30 I have n't been able to explain this to Dr Grossman , because he would n't understand , but you will understand , and I hope be happy for me .
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