Example sentences of "i [vb base] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 PAMELA : I perceive there is an open honest tender feeling in your eyes at the unfolding of my sorrows .
2 Yet I perceive there is still some way to go before voluntary and statutory bodies can claim to have made a serious break-through in mobilising action .
3 Grubby little man he may be — he shits in my presence without embarrassment — yet in his thought I perceive he is fastidious .
4 Whether er , if I sin I 'm wronging , and I 've wronged you .
5 I regret I am not likely to lose weight in China , as their habit , at least in Peking , is to give us at least twice as much food as we need , and however much we gently suggest that three platefuls rather than six would be sufficient , they still go on just the same .
6 I regret I 'm sorry .
7 But Walsh said : ‘ I deny there 's bad blood between Bull and me , there 's no vendetta .
8 Mr Laird said : ‘ Unless there is some event , some circumstance , some miracle that I can not see , then I repeat there is a possibility that the plant will cease to exist . ’
9 ‘ Unless there is some event , some circumstance , some miracle that I can not see , then I repeat there is a possibility that that plant will cease to exist . ’
10 I declare you are so much like your papa — whose soul God pardon — that it eases my sorrowing heart !
11 I mean nobody 's ever asked me that question before .
12 I think when the army went in that the army because there was no political direction from Westminster , we 've seen the seats in the House of Commons , I mean nobody 's there when Sir Patrick 's talking about Northern Ireland , which I think is absolutely disgraceful , when they 're talking about their salaries they 're there .
13 It it 's more than that it 's it 's making lads and lasses aware of what the schemes are , I mean nobody 's ever said to them reaction to some of these schemes
14 erm I mean as I said before , I do n't have relatives out in the Gulf , but I feel immensely for these men that are out there , men and women , and also for the news reporters , I mean nobody 's actually said what an awful job it must be for these news reporters and sort of camera crews that are actually erm doing this sort of wonderful job of bringing us back here all this information .
15 Mother would n't have anything to do with it whatsoever , do n't you bring anything , any of that stuff into our house , I mean of course it be this New Zealand lamb had just arrived on the scene before the First Word War , I mean nobody was , anybody dare have it I mean they 'd be standing on the pavement at eleven o'clock at night almost giving it away on Saturday night , but anyway that 's all changed now , we all eat it .
16 But I mean it was it that we were taken to first , and I mean thee was a lot of people on it and I mean it had obviously saved a lot of lives .
17 Come , come back to the appointments and I 'll ask you girls from here , I think what we 've got to do in our depot and I mean everybody 's doing it , but what , erm , I 've asked Jane and er , Linda to do is , try and get the appointments , I know it 's hard to , to A M or P M.
18 I said I mean all right I mean everybody 's in the same bus .
19 We er we got very close to beating Bellevue at Bellevue which was okay I mean everybody 's a bit rusty so and we were experimenting with tyres and everything and er it was only a challenge , but it was nice to get the first meeting on the way and er I was very impressed by some of er the team members of what I saw , I knew er team mate Dean Bargger was doing particularly well scoring 11 points and er he 's really a promising er youngster which I think we can get a lot of use out of , and er in general I mean you know Ellis Stevens was doing particularly well as well , so if those two can keep doing well during the season , then okay mine had a few problems , she only scored 3 points , but that was just a one-off so yeah I thing we look quite strong on paper again now .
20 It was hot in , I mean everybody was very red faced
21 I mean no-one was very bullish right from the outset because of problems of previous years , so everyone set a sensible target for ninety one , and erm I think most of them are fairly confident , as I said earlier , that the market may be five per cent down but not much more than that .
22 But I mean they are there to provide advice and we do get an awful lot of case work .
23 I mean , I mean they are , they 're , they really are you know , we 're so complacent in this country , Mr Cameron , I , I do n't know , do you know , they 're just hitting us in every direction , my goodness me , you , you know , you 'll be afraid to breathe without they 'll want to target that .
24 I do n't want to be picky about this but but I mean they are government based .
25 now I , I have seen foxes and I mean they are they are now in built up areas are n't they ?
26 I mean they are concerned about their employees , they are .
27 I mean they are they 're funded by themselves .
28 Mm I mean they are perishable if delayed are n't they ?
29 I mean they are at the moment and if I have a meeting well after about an hour it seems as though you 've
30 erm supporting it , I mean they are just putting their name down so that they can stay out of trouble .
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