Example sentences of "i [vb base] [prep] you " in BNC.

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1 I introduce to you ,
2 Sir I commend to you the expert evidence relating to the historic character and I hope sir when you visit this site , although it may look very different at this moment from the way it would have done had you been able to visit it after the originally scheduled date of this enquiry , when the daffodils were out ,
3 I commend to you , therefore , a delightful little paperback entitled Rear Gunner Pathfinder .
4 I commend to you all this
5 Because if I load in You can do it it because when I when we originally loaded this ,
6 That is the true gospel ‘ I declare unto you the gospel …
7 I declare to you , Spilsby , I was never so browbeaten !
8 That 's what happened to me old man in the cleaning business , I mean with you could write your own cheque virtually , but they , they had sort of like a three year , three year back log on painting , they just did n't pay anybody .
9 I mean like you , you , you chose the route via the post
10 But I , I tell you , really , you 'd , you 'd and something different because I mean like you go to the Headway and it 's just the same
11 I mean like you 're quite small framed are n't you so , if you went up to ten stone you 'd look huge
12 No I mean like you know ?
13 No I mean like you know the West Side Story thing you know right
14 I thought it , no no I mean like you knock your leg on the table or something , you know ?
15 no he went off quick , but I mean before you , while I was getting the money
16 ‘ Thees is the dress I bring for you , ’ she announced , pulling it out of its tissue paper and spreading it , slightly creased , on the bed .
17 I bring for you too , Señorita Shelley . ’
18 And I fear for you , standing there on the shore
19 If I sit beside you I think that 's easier hello Ismar .
20 Standard tunes are her forte , and she was heard at her best in Cole Porter 's I Concentrate On You , given just a hint of a Latin groove , and a delicate , emotional My Foolish Heart , in which her subtle singing was perfectly matched by pianist Brian Kellock 's lovely solo .
21 ‘ That 's one of the things I hate about you Keith .
22 I find this a bit tedious to keep doing this , so I tend to you know , slip up sometimes
23 BELVILLE : O my dear , obliging , good girl , on my knees s you on yours , I vow to you my everlasting truth and fidelity .
24 She has been trying to stake a claim which I vow to you on my honour she has never had a right to .
25 Swap one card with a player of your choice , ah I swap with you cos I do n't think you 're the only fucker that has got one have you ?
26 It 's what I expect for you to be able to work , really hard , get your homework done , work hard in your exams , I expect you to go to college .
27 ‘ So I say unto you — count your blessings !
28 Verily I say unto you , Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child , he shall not enter therein . ’
29 As the prophet Jesus could say with authority , ‘ Amen , amen I say unto you , ’ and claim to speak final truth about God , ‘ We speak of what we know , and bear witness of what we have seen ’ ( John 3:11 ) .
30 Listen to what it says in John chapter five Truly , truly I say unto you , this is Jesus speaking he who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and does not come into judgement but has passed out of death into life .
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