Example sentences of "i [vb past] that [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I made that all right , did n't I ?
2 At the beginning of October 1983 I announced that out of a total staff of 817,633 we would ask for a reduction of 4,837 , which would save about £40 million .
3 But as we made our way down through the trees , I realized that even if I 'd been better at baling I could never have carried that load : my forehead hurt , my neck felt stiff and strained , and the pine-needles on the path , compressed and polished by thousands of feet , were as slippery as glass .
4 I know absolutely nothing about P Way but then as Norman was speaking , I realized that perhaps I could put a few ticks in .
5 Then I realized that almost everyone in what I had once regarded as my own day was probably in a similar predicament , that the shattering effects of the war had probably distributed most of 2020 back and forward throughout history !
6 And he said er , no , he said I did n't think I had he said , but now , he said I realized that how I , was forgetting er I 'd be talking and I 'd forget sort of what I was just talking about that split second .
7 My rather innocent trust crumbled when I realized that as far as the police were concerned , I was little better than a criminal on whom they must keep tabs .
8 As I became professionally involved in trying to understand what , if anything , was happening I realised that here was a rare opportunity for the public to experience science in action , feel the excitement that drives inquisitive minds , and see how discoveries are made , tested , replicated , proven and developed into a new technology .
9 I realised that almost the instant she left me . ’
10 I wished this could go on for ever but I realised that all too soon I would have to return .
11 All in all David and I agreed that not enough work has been done to merit the meeting in Barcelona in the week beginning 10 July .
12 I tried that later myself but fell off .
13 I tried that once myself , you know .
14 To my great delight , I found that not only were trains running , but to outward signs at least , the Mid-Hants does not have any problems .
15 The bridge humbucker has been designed to give a very hot response indeed , and I found that even the centre single coil kicked the amp quite nicely .
16 And it would n't have been so bad il the owner had been anybody else but Mrs Rumney ; I found that even discussing the thing with her had become almost unbearable .
17 When I came back to Scotland I found that generally the standard of club rugby was lower . ’
18 I found that really awkward at first , but I just got used to it and grew to love Les Pauls and just stuck with them from then on . ’
19 Can I just point out that something here , erm , was , I think I mentioned about my children it was the height of the table and its just so little that , that they indicate their in height in this picture , but it is there and , erm , that , I found that really very exciting and as I say the , The Threes , it , the three goblets , the three apples the three puppies , so often I 've , I 've found that there is three sets of , three objects and in
20 I sus well , I , I found that quite interesting the bit on pensions .
21 I found that quite a hard time erm and especially if you do n't have any family near .
22 I found that quite intriguing cos I can remember getting these sent out to me by G A when I was moving house .
23 but you 've got a very nice way of actually listening and you 'll actually learn far more about people by listening than actually talking so erm I found that quite picked up and pinpoint areas contact er eye contact , that was good , stayed in control , not too pushy yeah .
24 Yeah , but , I mean I was just , erm , I found that very informative as well , I was very disappointed that if that much money er , information was available that we were not given it as members , because it would have made decision making far more sensible , but erm ,
25 erm because that 's like a continuous thing erm with with some other stuff , if it 's just like essays or projects due in at the end of this term or beginning of next , you know get , get the light stuff out of the way first erm and try you may find it easier if you , if you , what I used to do was sort of try and , you know , pace it out a little bit and not try and write an essay all at once because I found that very difficult to do but if you just sort of write a paragraph and do , do something else for a bit and you know kind of write another paragraph a bit later on in the day and , and , you know , kind of erm you know work , you know do n't , do n't try and write an essay all in one evening but try and sort of , you know , if you 've managed to spread it out over the course of a few days so that you do n't have to do too much at once I mean it 's difficult to concentrate on one thing
26 I found that yesterday when everybody was saying
27 When I opened the Bible to see if it was damaged , I found that wherever there was an empty page , or half a page , someone had written on it , and on the first page was written ‘ Catherine Earnshaw 's diary , 1776 ’ .
28 After my research I found that only the rich countries make weapons and the poor countries simply buy the finished goods .
29 I found that so many new people had come into the scheme at the last moment that I was now four from the end .
30 I found that out when I 'd pressed the bell and no one came .
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