Example sentences of "i [vb past] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then you would n't say no if I asked to take you in my arms under the pretext of inviting you to dance . ’
2 I asked to see him , but they said no . ’
3 ‘ And the reason why I asked to see you rather than your superintendent was that you looked capable of rising above it . ’
4 I asked to give him a lead .
5 I asked to meet her .
6 I asked to keep her talking , but I was thinking of the scribble on the photocopies I 'd found .
7 A year or so later I chanced to meet him and he acknowledged that this was just criticism , but that he had been obliged to insert these names so that his book would look like a truly up-to-date , intouch work of scholarship .
8 I valued his judgement highly , and look back with pleasure to the several visits I made to him-and his equally delightful wife Elizabeth at their cottage in Cambridge where he was a fellow of Churchill College .
9 ‘ Now I am very happy with the decision I made to sign him .
10 I 'ad to hit him with an ornament , and when his fam'ly got back from church 'is wife asked him what 'ad happened to his face .
11 I 'ad to meet 'im after I 'd 'ad me look around .
12 Well , 'e give me 'alf-a-crown , so I 'ad to pay me dues in the way of informin' 'im .
13 ‘ She 's had a fever and now she wo n't let me out of her sight , so I 'ad to bring her . ’
14 I lived to regret it .
15 Frankenstein entered between the grey walls , and I ceased to follow him .
16 Over the summer , the Secretary of State and I met to encourage them to adopt best practices in dealings with their tenants .
17 You would n't think I 'd been complimented on them , would you , but when I 'appened to show them accidental to a gentleman once , he said I ought to go on the stage and wear tights and a little frou-frou skirt — here , where you goin' ? ’
18 ‘ I tell you , Charles , it was only after I heard that they 'd signed up Micky Banks that I agreed to do it .
19 My inclination was to decline , but as that would have been discourteous in the extreme to Wilson , for whom I then had enormous respect , I agreed to see him .
20 ‘ I knew you were n't going to believe me , but it seemed only fair that you should know why I agreed to marry you . ’
21 I agreed to help you out tonight , but that was all I agreed to .
22 But he was clearly relieved when I agreed to accept it at his hands .
23 I was determined , so I agreed to pay it back every week .
24 ‘ Apologies , my dear fellow , ’ said Mr Singleton , ‘ momentarily I failed to appreciate I was talking to an artist . ’
25 Well , I say a small town , it was more of a village really , but I live in Mannheim now , since my parents died … anyway , when things came to a head , I failed to support her , though I agreed with her really — up to a point that is , there were some things I disagreed with her about .
26 He relapsed into silence then , and because my mind was still trying to grapple with the politics of a country I knew very little about , I failed to ask him whether Gómez had made that flight on his own or if he had had a crew with him .
27 Er that 's true , as I said I , I lied a little bit , I , I failed to tell you the cost of the fee .
28 While I was testing the Seayak on the west coast of Ireland I failed to pull it far enough up the beach on the night of a rising spring tide .
29 They caught the sparks that showered from my own tiny anvil and I failed to think it odd .
30 BELVILLE : I would have it tomorrow , being Monday , for on a Monday seven weeks ago , I planned to carry her off and on a Monday I wrote the letter which prevailed on her so kindly to return to me .
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