Example sentences of "i rather think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you know , ’ the Doctor said , ‘ I rather think we 're getting somewhere at last . ’
2 And in a vain attempt to make Williams jump he said , ‘ I rather think we may have to tighten up on one or two things round here . ’
3 ‘ Charles has n't published a guest list but since he did n't invite you , I rather think we shall be . ’
4 I rather think they must have known you were coming .
5 ‘ In fact , from what Goibniu said , I rather think they do n't expect him to get back at all . ’
6 ‘ Yes , I rather think they did .
7 ‘ You know , I rather think they did .
8 ‘ You can have too much of anything , ’ was Gay 's sage rejoinder , ‘ and I rather think her mother 's been overdoing this entertaining stunt .
9 I rather think one is supposed to talk suicides down gently , ’ Bernice reminded him .
10 I rather think she 's arrived . ’
11 Cindy Hill is married to someone else with whom I rather think she 's madly in love .
12 Then I rather think his parents looked after him until they died .
13 I rather think he will be very broadminded .
14 I rather think he meant ‘ diluted ’ but on second thoughts perhaps he was right .
15 And the only other staff seems to be that young fellow in the kiosk , and I rather think he 's working for peanuts while he mugs up a thesis . ’
16 I rather think he must just have picked it up when Mr Hambro chased him away from the cave-in .
17 I made it quite plain he would go before she did , and I rather think he has accepted the status quo .
18 I rather think he wants me to marry him , and I 'm too old to have the necessary child . ’
19 I mean one member of the committee has produced something which I rather think you might all like to have a look at it .
20 And I rather think you understood .
21 I rather think you have , ’ the face says .
22 I do n't remember what happened to the cross-over , I rather think I foisted it on a mother before I moved house .
23 ‘ Yea , lady Anne , I rather think I would . ’
24 He said slowly , ‘ I rather think I am . ’
25 On the whole , given the mysterious and inexplicable circumstances , I rather think I prefer the word ‘ did ’ .
26 I rather think I 'm going to need them . "
27 ‘ Then I rather think I 'd like to be . ’
28 Well , if I am right in all this — and I rather think I am — then you have decided to override my objections to publication in the most effective and heartless manner possible , have n't you ?
29 ‘ Actually , I rather think I will .
30 ‘ Oh , I rather think I am , ’ he drawled , and , just in case she had n't yet worked it out , though she was certain he knew she had , ‘ Naylor Massingham , ’ he introduced himself , and , neither of them offering to shake hands , ‘ but you can call me ‘ sir ’ . ’
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