Example sentences of "i did [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well I , I did nothing , I did nothing you see because erm , by the time I 'd been in the bathroom done the sandwiches
2 But last time I did them I did n't put enough salt in them
3 So I did something you should n't really do after a bird has completed a successful free flight : I put her back on the creance .
4 because I did something you had
5 In answer I did something I had not done in years .
6 I did n't do a degree with a career in mind , I did something I wanted to do .
7 So when I did one I sort of
8 Well I did we we talked about this , you see Mary Anne , half way through the conversation er Neil went out of the room so that I could to Mary Ann and I said towards the end of my conversation , you know , Mary Ann you 're a very wise person , give me some advice I said , I told her about Neil not wanting no not doing well on the driving , although he can drive she said he does n't want to do it she said do n't hassle him so when he came downstairs I said I 've been talking to Mary Ann and she sends you her love and because , of course , you know , we 've got a grandson , you know she had a son , my
9 No brickbats for that , for neither of them did it out of a sense of malice , but merely because they thought it was the right thing to do , and no doubt also because they believed , quite wrongly , that to instil a sense of guilt into me would ultimately be for my good , If I did what they thought was wrong then I was made to feel that someone , usually them , had suffered .
10 I did what they wanted .
11 But , as I say , I we I went there and I got all the information there , and then I went into Dixons and I I did what they did on the television , you know , started talking and so I said well er , you know , do you have the er ha I noticed that there was erm no finance er
12 My parents ' solution was to take Ann into their bed , and Robert and I did what we could to look after them .
13 AS AN addendum to Mr Robson 's letter ( HAS February 24 ) , last year I did what we are always urged to do I wrote to my MP with the self same complaint .
14 I did what it was laid on me to do .
15 I did what you told me to — I 've got it now .
16 I did what you wanted me to do , ’ he said .
17 And still laughing , Charlie said , ‘ But I did what you lot did n't do : I came back with an Irish jig , and then , ‘ We 'll Meet Again ’ and ‘ Roll Out The Barrel ’ .
18 Finally I did what I should have done before .
19 Over the years since that occasion I have often wondered why I did what I decided to do .
20 I did what I was told to , ’ he grumbled .
21 I did what I thought was right for the most precious thing in the world to me .
22 But I did what I did and he died as he died . ’
23 Although I did what I could to try to conceive a girl , I could n't be sure that I had .
24 So I did what I should have done in the first place , I put the wire hangers and small weights on the edges .
25 I did what I could . ’
26 In fact , there was nothing really wrong with her , and I did what I could to soothe her .
27 I did what I had to do in Dublin — you 'll never know what I had to do to survive .
28 I did what I could to offer comfort to the family .
29 I did what I set out to do .
30 I did what I was told , wore things others choose for me …
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