Example sentences of "i had been so " in BNC.

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1 Rather to the surprise of my new employers , since I had been so eager to work for them , I told them I should not be able to start for a fortnight ( I needed to recover , being exhausted by my burden of guilt ) .
2 It was not that I eventually doubted that the Almighty responded to faith , but that because I had been so bound up by the desert , so full of self-interest , so neglectful of the God I was supposed to serve , that I could not have expected any co-operation from him .
3 I was angry that humans should be subjected to such degradation and I realised just how lucky I had been so far .
4 Beth Stubbs was a Quaker , a member of that old Mafia that I had been so wary of .
5 I had been so sure he would n't know me .
6 It suddenly occurred to me that I had been so busy enjoying myself on the Mantela that I had never even opened either of them .
7 I had been so horrified by Jason Purvis ' physical condition that , almost unwittingly , I had taken him in hand .
8 At length these bitter fruits of sin , and a sense of dependency on his providence for the averting those dreadful consequences with which others were imminently threatened , brought me to the repentance and gave me a victory over those guilty passions by which I had been so long enslaved .
9 Here again I learnt to admire and like these people , with whom I had been so recently at war , and to see clearly both the differences and the similarities between people of different nationalities and the fantastic ability of people to respond to leadership tuned to their needs .
10 I had been so in love with her , and a part of me needed to mourn that loss of feeling .
11 What had been wildly romantic to begin with turned into something else over the years , although I could always look at him and remember why I had been so stricken .
12 I have always counted on my fingers and still do and I had been so nervous about this that I went to classes with the ATC in Darrowby before my call-up , dredging from my schooldays horrific calculations about trains passing each other at different speeds and water running in and out of bath tubs .
13 My father and Elizabeth did not want me to go to England alone , because I had been so ill .
14 I could not see the female but , as I was raised to their shoulders , I caught a glimpse of my happy home , that cave where Elsbeth and I had been so content .
15 Would I had been so created !
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