Example sentences of "i was [vb pp] when " in BNC.

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1 He knows exactly what 's going on , so I was gutted when the manager signed Nigel Spackman to play alongside him .
2 I 'ad a long stint wiv Galloway an' I was gutted when I got the push an' we 'ad ter get out o' the 'ouse .
3 I just knew I was inspired when I proposed you for this job here , that it would come back to me in some incredible way .
4 I was tempted when examining these drawings to propose a hypothesis that some of these artists had been attracted to formalism and minimalism because of its supposed neutrality ; the absent author was , after all , without gender .
5 I realized I was lost when the sky suddenly lightened and I came out into a broad clearing .
6 From outside it looked like a faded bell but within was a brilliant and sumptuous chamber of fiery gold adorned with most exquisite tapestry , and it moved me as much as I was moved when I saw the dome of the Blue Mosque at Isfahan , the most beautiful building I have ever seen .
7 I hardly remember what Mrs Girdlestone looked like , other than that she was plump and elderly , and gave an impression of being prepared for battle ; but I was touched when I saw the tea that had been laid out ready for me , imagining the two ladies conferring about the slices of bought ham , the thin bread-and-butter , and the bought cake .
8 I was touched when my dad told me that every night he stood on the back doorstep and said goodnight to John .
9 I was flattered when she first asked me , and curious , but when I 'd seen what it was like , I was n't interested .
10 Of course Matt was regarded as the prize and I suppose I was flattered when he became serious with me — or seemed to . ’
11 I 'm grateful that I was born when I was , rather than being a youngster today .
12 She told me she made a point of taking a walk each day to get out of the way of all the old people , but I was reassured when I saw that she was well-known at the café and seemed to have several friends among its patrons .
13 I was struck when I attended the first conference on corporate governance after the draft Cadbury Report was published .
14 My drawing 's enough crap cos I I was buzzed when I was doing that .
15 I 'd have done better just believing everything I was taught when I was young !
16 I mean one of the things I was taught when i my training for work with children , was that erm , it 's alright to use big l long words , for children , as long as you explain to them what the words mean .
17 Or I might be saying , here 's the sort of silly thing I was taught when I was at kindergarten .
18 Well that 's the way I was treated when I came home .
19 I was adopted when my own mother died a few days after I was born .
20 I was comforted when Matata showed me a Boer war rifle wrapped in rags in the bottom of the canoe .
21 I must admit I was fascinated when I was standing when they
22 I was crushed when they lost that election . ’
23 I was asked when I mentioned this .
24 I was asked when I would be collecting it .
25 Of course , I was devastated when Bogie died .
26 I was devastated when he said he fancied me but we 've started a relationship .
27 I loved Jeanne and I was devastated when she died .
28 I was told when I first entered this business that a pretty girl is on her way out at 23 and all washed up at 27 .
29 I was told when I was in my regiment I was told my country , it was n't my country that was what I was told .
30 that 's what I was told when I come here .
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