Example sentences of "i find [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 WHEN my NHS three-tooth bridge had to be replaced , I found to my horror that what had cost £150 three years ago would now set me back some £650 if supplied privately .
2 When I arrived , I found to my great irritation that I 'd forgotten the film .
3 Then I became the black sheep and I found to my horror that everyone thought I was off my bloody head .
4 In fact , although there was a cloud hanging over my future , I found to my surprise that I was enjoying life in the present more than I had before .
5 When doing this last summer , I found to my amazement a whole langoustine who sadly had not been trained to crawl backwards .
6 Calling in at Lowestoft I found to my surprise that I was on the promotion list and viewed the prospect with mixed feelings as at the time this meant that I would no longer be eligible to crew on the cutters .
7 I found to my horror that it was " Engaged " ; I had taken off with " George " in control .
8 And although much of this was , by the record that he gives , painful , at the very end of it he says , quote , ‘ I found to my surprise that I was quite glad to be done with the whole subject ’ .
9 I was drunk as a pig and insisted on stamping on every bloody spider I found on my way back to our chamber .
10 I found on my desk a little sticker which states ’ Vote for the Arts ’ , issued by the National Campaign for the Arts .
11 ‘ Only from the business card I found on my desk , ’ the other replied , his English excellent .
12 We were originally going to do weekly measurements , but I found on my own monitoring that you wo n't get much variation .
13 I surreptitiously read certain books I found on his shelves .
14 They are documents of all sorts which were given to me by my father or which I found among his papers after his death in 1968 .
15 I found among my mother 's papers when she died a letter from my grandfather which must have wrung her heart for years after his death : ‘ … ca n't you spare a moment to write to your poor old Dad … ‘
16 After she died in Eastertide 1980 at the age of seventy-eight , I found in her desk a handwritten letter to our three children , which she put together in Jerusalem at the repeated request of Rachel , our elder daughter .
17 ‘ Do you know what I found in his trunk some time ago , right at the bottom ?
18 This can be seen quite clearly by looking at a passage in the autobiographical A Christmas Story , and comparing it with an unpublished hand-scrawled manuscript I found in his papers .
19 Neruda explains what he got out of being a member of the Communist party in personal terms : ‘ I found in my party , the Communist Party of Chile , a large group of simple people , who had left personal vanity , caudillismo and material interests far behind .
20 The only curious thing was that I found in my room a handbill from a Frenchman trying to solicit backers to export parchment to France and import wine into England .
21 Will I ever find peace such as I found in your arms again ?
22 And I find with my running it 's the same : they said ‘ you 're too short . ’
23 ‘ With the same natural effusion of good colour , ’ Hope continued , deciding that excess was more apt than enough in this instance , ‘ that I find in your own complexion , ma'am . ’
24 I find in my files Bawden 's own account , written out in his finicky copperplate hand , of his own quasi-William Morris enterprise as a designer-manufacturer of wallpapers in the late 1930s : ‘ The desire to do wallpaper designs arose from seeing a furnished room hung with William Morris 's ‘ Daisy ’ at the Wembley International Exhibition .
25 ‘ That depends on what I find in my present subject , sergeant .
26 My Lords , before the Noble Lord sits down , perhaps I could ask him to remember , he was saying s how , how splendidly the Lord Chancellor and the Chancellor of the Duchy appointed magistrates and I entirely agree , but they appoint them , not from a list that they 've constructed themselves , they appoint them because the keepers of the roles for respective counties propose names to them which they very carefully er selected by the very special and an an and complicated process of of er of er of of examination of people whose names come forward , I find in my case that only one-third of the people whom I interview for this purpose with my Committee er are the ones which I 've I propose .
27 But August ‘ 92 , the sun shining in London and who should I find in your pages ?
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