Example sentences of "i do have some " in BNC.

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1 With a top capacity of some 75 litres it 's large enough for a week 's backpacking , or even extended expedition use , although I do have some doubts as to whether it could stand up to the rigours of expedition life .
2 I do have some Eau Sauvage by Christian Dior and also Birchwood and Hawthorn Splash-on Cologne from The Body Shop , but I do n't buy it myself .
3 On the whole the magazine is great … however , I do have some ideas and some points to be raised .
4 When a new plane came in and they assigned it to our crew , it being the principle crew and we got to name it and we named our plane Skyscraper , I do have some later pictures but er it taken in front of the plane of the crew that I was flying with at that time and the ground crew in front of Skyscraper .
5 A farmer friend — I do have some — said to me , ’ You realise that as soon as the quota was introduced dairy farmers put more sheep on land that previously was used for cows . ’
6 I do have some scruples , though .
7 I continued to go off and on although I do have some special memories as a youngster running on to the Hillsborough turf to shake John Giles 's hand after beating Birmingham 3–0 in the Cup semi-final ( 1972 ) .
8 I do have some concerns with Rosie 's erm , er to vote , vote Labour resolution on active sites or suitable , suitable sites er for recycling .
9 my Lord I I do have some other observations on matters with Mr but it maybe more economical and effective on the new issues to wait until after Mr has addressed you and to deal with them at one point
10 I do have some sympathy for cou councillor I do know this area and I I do know the traffic problems there and and we do really in the long term need to do something about it .
11 I do have some sympathy with the message that MPs should do more campaigning as MPs around Scotland and in the constituencies — that is something we shall certainly take very seriously . ’
12 Well , the mortgage would be paid off and er well I do have some life insurance .
13 I have some sympathy for the Home Secretary in these matters , he is not an Officer of State who over-occupies the position for whom I normally have a great deal of sympathy I must confess , er but on this occasion I do have some sympathy .
14 Erm but I do have some sympathy with Harrogate 's position and indeed Selby 's position er to some extent .
15 First of all I do have some sympathy with my colleagues from other districts who , while not being in sympathy with the policy , would n't want to be excluded if there 's er certain development opportunities being thrown in .
16 I deal with children all the time erm many of my I 've been there eight years now and so lots of children have passed through my hands who in particular have lots of educational problems and need special help , and I suppose somebody though erm that although the rage now is to have Governors who are working in industry , and that 's perfectly proper , that it would n't be a bad idea to have somebody who is supposed to have some knowledge and background of the way children behave and what children need , so erm although I do have some politics , you know , Bill , I erm largely keep them quiet in the governing body .
17 At that moment I did have some kind of advantage over him , because I knew a little more about some things than he did .
18 And then , as the job came up with Social Services , and I joined it , I did have some reservations , because I felt that maybe people would see me as sort of having deserted them and joined them , you know , er brilliant movie ?
19 And I did have some of the as well so .
20 I 'd forgotten , it was so long ago , that I did have some happy days among the bad ones . ’
21 I mean I did have some of the boxes in there until I sort of , thought while I was sorting things out .
22 Well I did have some more but I thought no I
23 Um so erm I did have some I did have some references on this which erm unfortunately I I put to one side and I 've succeeded in losing so erm I did n't get the chance to put them on the handout but erm I 'm just alerting you to that area of debate and that area of enquiry .
24 Um so erm I did have some I did have some references on this which erm unfortunately I I put to one side and I 've succeeded in losing so erm I did n't get the chance to put them on the handout but erm I 'm just alerting you to that area of debate and that area of enquiry .
25 and he wants some long-line , well I did have some , but I do n't know if I 've still got them
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