Example sentences of "i have [verb] more " in BNC.

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1 And I went round town on Saturday and I 'd gone more or less from work as well so I 'd got my big bag with me and ooh my shoulder !
2 I 'd envisioned more movement , excitement — fantasy , even . ’
3 I wish I 'd bought more of them .
4 But I 'd dealt more or less with the small firms even to the the extent of collecting dues .
5 ‘ If I 'd taken more trouble with economics I might have been more effective as Prime Minister .
6 And in no time at all , I did n't have to ask for jobs , I 'd got more than I could do , you know and er I was still , very well taken care of in the shop .
7 I just wish I 'd had more respect for my body when I was younger .
8 I 'd had more than enough of this place and its unnatural Matter ; now , perhaps , I could withdraw in safety .
9 If only I 'd had more time .
10 Quite soon I had received more milirems than a fireman at Chernobyl .
11 The amounts of exercise I did meant that I had to eat more than my father !
12 I would have saved much time and pain if I had paid more attention to how I was racing .
13 I wish I had shown more patience .
14 I had to keep more or less the leverage more or less the same because you could n't differ them and er I er had that job to er do for and er it was the H M S Gothic and they was going to South Africa and er when er they was on , in the middle of South Africa on the coast one of the royalty died .
15 I think if I had had more time to myself when I first retired I would n't have made that mistake and would have looked for interests nearer home .
16 If she or I had taken more trouble I might have been convinced that all religious people were cruel hypocrites .
17 I 've smoked more while I 've been like this
18 I 've seen more energy in a darts champion .
19 ‘ At least I 've seen more of the town where I live than I ever saw from a carriage or on horseback . ’
20 And of Katherine Hepburn : ‘ She ran the gamut of expressions from A to B. ’ One-liners that catch the eye include : The best play I ever slept through ; I 've seen more excitement at the opening of an umbrella ; I saw the play at a disadvantage — the curtain was up ; The scenery was beautiful but the actors got in front of it ; When Mr Wilbur calls his play Halfway to Hell , he underestimates the distance . ’
21 I 've seen more of life than the majority of people my age .
22 I tell you , I 've seen more variety in a tin of sardines .
23 ‘ From our very first encounter , ’ Fen growled , ‘ I 've seen more of you without clothes than with them on . ’
24 One interesting side-effect of all this is that I 've seen more of Britain than I ever did before , albeit through the windows of an armoured car .
25 I mean I 've I 've chased more people off
26 I 've chased more people off than the security has .
27 I 've made more piece just that
28 Billican looked over the rails at him on hearing his cries and replied quite dryly , " What the hell is he shouting about I 've drunk more beer than he 's swimming in " .
29 I 've read more pages .
30 He asked me whether I was a country person I asked what the qualifications were he said country born and bred , well I was born in Liverpool spent my childhood and early adolescence in rural Nottinghamshire , moved to Highfields , emigrated to the West Indies and now live in sub rural Blavey so I do n't know whether I qualify as a country person or not , but I 'd like to bet that I 've milked more cows by hand than he has if that 's any qualification .
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