Example sentences of "i be [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was pleasant but had I been blindfolded I would not have been able to tell the difference from its cheaper , non-organic counterpart .
2 Or ( how many years have I been promising myself this ? ) sorting out the stock cupboard/prep room ?
3 out my nails look , I been scrubbing it everyday .
4 But even had I been told something of the nature of their relationship , I am not sure that I would have understood or believed , or felt betrayed .
5 Sister Gemma and I are enjoying our work , and we have been recently joined by the third member of our team , Sister Dorothy Castles , a Notre Dame Sister from the Ipswich Province in America .
6 Ian and I are doing what any neighbouring colleagues would do in similar circumstances — and this helping-out is bearing fruit .
7 Henry and I are doing it , as the resident textile rescue-squad .
8 In the novel I can believe he is saying such things , perhaps because I am hearing his voice in my head , in the privacy of my own mind ( I am thinking him ) and I am extremely relieved to hear him say them because his words bring to an end a certain kind of conflict between himself and Connie .
9 ‘ It may be , sir , that I am thinking what you are , if you follow me . ’
10 She says I have just bought this pram from a jumble sale and I am thinking I may use it as a flower pot and maybe make some model babies out of flowers .
11 I am thinking you are not understanding the management of these people . ’
12 I am implying nothing .
13 I am hoping we can now arrange a telephone link-up with the Theobalds to discover whether they will , after all , be coming to the party tonight .
14 I am hoping you 'll agree to an interview for Der Spiegel .
15 I am hoping he will run on Saturday .
16 It 's a slur on the town 's industry which I am hoping he will now withdraw . ’
17 So it is a major curriculum initiative itself and I am hoping it is going to have a knock-on effect and get people to consider the way they teach fairly radically .
18 Insp Best said : ‘ I have come here with a very open mind but what I want to do is to develop the skills I have already and I am hoping it will give me more confidence .
19 Mimesis has been one of the great seminal works for the study of literary style , and on that ground I am discussing it here ; for a number of reasons , however , it now seems to stand on the margins of modern approaches to literature .
20 So , rather than binning them directly , I am passing them to you ( and your Convocation Office colleagues ) .
21 I am fondling her like a memory , in the way you stroke a cat : knowing it 's there , glad it 's purring , but letting thoughts wander like your fingers tickling the fur .
22 And , Father , he asked — the lord sheriff asked — that I should beg you to have Brother Cadfael informed also , and when the morning comes , if you permit , I am to lead him to the place , to meet the sheriff there .
23 I am kicking myself that I did n't get there sooner .
24 ’ 'T IS glad I am to 'ear it , me lord , ’ came the mocking response .
25 I am holding you directly responsible for the decline in his health .
26 I am bringing you to la Principessa . ’
27 But one simply must not think about this ; at any rate , I am enjoying myself while it lasts .
28 I am enjoying myself playing with the autopilot , either adjusting the trim with the ‘ coolie hat ’ on top of the cyclic or playing disconnect , move and reset as an alternative .
29 An example of such a statement might be , " For me life simply has no meaning " , or , " Even when I am enjoying myself I often feel that I do n't belong " .
30 I am enjoying my writing career and would like to develop it into a full-time career if I can earn enough money .
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