Example sentences of "for their [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Before going for their lunch the Physical Training Instructors must complete the last of their duties as ushers .
2 As neighbours of the enormously powerful and expansionist United States , the Canadians had a direct and abiding interest in maintaining for their part the fiction that they belonged to the same political entity of the rich and powerful United Kingdom .
3 For their part the Brazilians want to play British oppositon to remind themselves of what it feels like to be searching for the ball in the air for much of the game .
4 For their part the permanent staff thought all new prisoners childish , ill-mannered and unbalanced .
5 For their part the urban middle classes tolerated the Junkers because they guaranteed the shape , content and continuance of German middle-class life and ambition over the vast bulk of the rural German population .
6 For their part the Akawaio Indians deal with the matter in what is , in effect , an inverted version of the Lugbara solution .
7 For their part the NGC members disagreed with a SOC proposal that Hun Sen should be appointed as SNC Vice-Chair and head of a Cambodian delegation to the UN General Assembly .
8 For their success the staff were given a framed certificate , together with £100 to donate to the charity of their choice .
9 They chose for their project the task of landscaping an area of waste land , turning it into a very pleasant garden with flowers , trees and shrubs for the benefit of the village .
10 When Ian Thomson and the current editor of The Ley Hunter , Paul Devereux were doing fieldwork for their book The Ley Hunter 's Companion , they visited the crypt and found that the needle of their compass maintained a strange rhythmic ‘ jigging ’ motion .
11 Solar Wings of Wiltshire were given the award for their plane the Quasar .
12 Where the water authority refuses permission for their use the onus is on the developer to secure a satisfactory outfall for a sewer to a ditch , stream or river , and obtain the necessary easements .
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