Example sentences of "for that [be] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Our reasons for that are that the especially the eight year average used by the County Council , are unduly skewed by the boom of the late eighties , and give in our view , to high a trend t to erm to work from .
2 You might then wonder what the cutting of the hair had to do with it — well , one of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they cluster within individuals and sometimes within an individual 's family , and the reasons for that are that the immune responses that we have we inherit with our genes .
3 The basis for that is that over the next few years the South Africans will be on an upward learning curve after being without international competition for so long .
4 And you know they have a very distinctive characteristic do n't they , they have round faces and they 're short and they have slightly slanting eyes , etcetera etcetera , well these children have very marked physical erm appearance they 're fair haired and blue eyed the reason for that is that this substance venial alanine is responsible for the production of pigment , so if that 's interfered with they 're going to be fair haired and blue eyed , they get eczema a lot , they have small heads and they have very widely spaced teeth , sorry down a bit , is that what you want ?
5 As I am sure that my hon. Friend is aware , the reason for that is that the demand for gas oil , which is equivalent to diesel , is high at this time of the year because it is used for heating .
6 One reason for that is that most of the thousands of people who travel on those wretched trains to come to London to work are either unskilled or semi-skilled , to use the terms of the manufacturing industry .
7 The reason for that is that the spot market varies with the dollar exchange rate and , for a long time , has been affected by the dumping of coal into Europe — something about which British Coal has complained to the Commission .
8 The simple reason for that is that farmers put their most marginal and least productive land into set-aside .
9 The obvious reason for that is that the state pension is low .
10 I believe that the reason for that is that when the Bible is used in school or in church it is nearly always in the form of a modern version , which is entirely unmemorable and unpoetic .
11 Now he does n't actually make the concession I think it 's consistent of what he says , that he ought to concede that direct democracy might be better at improving the citizens , because after all the citizens have much more to do on in service of the state but his view is that direct democracy has the opposite failure to guardianship , that while it might be better at improving citizens it 's absolutely hopeless in managing the affairs of the state and his reasons for that is that we need experts with experience in order to carry out the affairs of government and although these people ought ultimately to be held responsible to the people , people should n't sit in judgment them in every one of their decisions .
12 The prospects for management buy-outs are really very bleak , the reason for that is that the franchises which we 're hearing about are likely to be very short , the franchisee will own no assets , no land , no rolling stock , nothing with which to go to the bank as security for loan .
13 Oh sorry erm we are expect the business this year to break even it broke even last year , erm and the reason for that is that we have expanded business very rapidly , last year we had only thirty five stores this year we 'll have fifty and we will probably have a similar sort of expansion programme for next year .
14 The reason for that is that we do all our selling on the phone .
15 And the reason for that is that we ask you to do three things when you get in front of the advertiser having got his commitment .
16 The reason for that is that we 're putting tot total strangers on to our clients premises for three weeks .
17 The reason for that is that it is we are operating in a in an environment of planning policy restraint .
18 I would have thought the mo Without knowing anything about it I would have thought the most likely explanation for that is that that the property company who own the precinct have suggested to the Council that they would like to buy the Market Hall and the Council have been sitting on it and pondering it and some bright spark has come up with the idea , Yes you can buy the Market Hall if you also buy Pembroke Hall .
19 ‘ I think the reason for that is that we spend about 45 minutes hitting balls on the range and 10 minutes putting before we tee off .
20 And I think that our concern is to try and see how that can be improved and , and possibly the underlying reason for that is that erm we all feel that unless we take it seriously , the kind of disasters that increasingly affect developing countries , and try to make our own assistance more rational , more respectful in a way of , of them and their cultures , then I think we 're storing up an enormous amount of trouble for ourselves in the future .
21 The reason for that is that they 're in a very good position in the market now , they , they can negotiate very good deals on houses they 're buying , there 's a very good choice of properties available , people by the mid nineteen nineties will look back on nineteen ninety as probably the time to have bought , when house prices were at their cheapest .
22 The game was already lost in Berne when Gough went and I think the reason for that was that the Scots had failed to find the fire that brought them so close to success in Sweden .
23 he said in spite of the fact that I 've been in parliament for longer than he has , which surprised me cos I would n't have thought so this is the young Winston Churchill of course so the Chinese man said to him erm oh well the reason for that was that he had a famous grandfather
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