Example sentences of "for his [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In the theatre , he argues , there is ( a ) an internal dramatist — who makes up the characters and their actions ; ( b ) an internal actor — who represents to the reader for his benefit the actions he has made up as dramatist ; and , finally , ( c ) an internal audience .
2 And for his kitchen the thick stuff .
3 During the first opium war ( 1840–2 ) , after Hong Kong was occupied by the British expedition , Matheson purchased for his firm the first plots of land offered for sale on the island .
4 For his part the comedian says he understands why the man was so upset , though not his racism .
5 For his part the Prince had no intention of using his own money — he had better uses for it — and so things remained as they were .
6 For his part the president , as he tries to get the cooperation he needs , will not restrict himself to offering inducements .
7 For his part the head of the Slovene delegation , Cyril Ribicic , reminded the delegates of the changes under way elsewhere in Eastern Europe and warned that the congress was " the last chance for Yugoslav communists to mark a watershed on the way towards multiparty pluralism " .
8 Three of the five were men : Richard Rolle , a hermit from North Yorkshire ; Walter Hilton , an Augustinian canon ; and an anonymous writer , probably a religious , known best for his treatise The Cloud of Unknowing .
9 Mr Leigh-Pemberton , who caused Opposition furore for his forecast the economy was recovering in September 1991 , appeared to be more confident of his ground .
10 It is a dramatic island viewed from the sea and I can understand Alexander Dumas choosing it as a setting for his novel The Prisoner of Zenda .
11 While James was making preparations for his voyage the English rebels scored their first real success .
12 Gordon Jackson , a school governor has been watching the meeting — for his school the outcome is crucial .
13 Pomiane chose for his career the study of biology , specialising in food chemistry and dietetics .
14 He had crossed the ride and was looking for his dog the other side .
15 For Tibetan freedom and for thousands of years of long life for His Holiness the Dalai Lama — and because the Chinese should leave Tibet .
16 When , in the 1590s , Essex failed to get the Attorneyship for Francis Bacon , he sought for his protege the vacant post of Solicitor .
17 And take for his reward the lands of the folk he decides have broken the law ?
18 For his pains the House of Commons put him in gaol .
19 By his intimate connection with the greatest men of the day in the medical profession , he obtained for his pupils the privilege of their teaching free of expense , and thus it is that a considerable number in the ranks of our profession are pupils of Abernethy , Astley Cooper , Charles Bell , Brodie , Faraday and Brand .
20 ‘ I want to paint men and women with that something of the eternal which the halo used to symbolize , ’ Van Gogh had written , groping to define for his brother the human essence that was his aim in pictures such as this . ’
21 This put him off personal involvement in scientific research but probably provided material for his novels The Search and The Affair .
22 The last Mitchell prize was awarded to Thomas DaCosta Kauffmann in 1988 for his book The School of Prague : Painting at the Court of Rudolf II .
23 In return for his allegiance the king received papal protection for himself and his kingdom , he could be excommunicated only by the pope and any lands conquered from the Muslims were confirmed to the crown .
24 He chose for his format the imperial folio size ( 22 x 16½in/59 x 42cm ) considerably smaller than Audubon 's double elephant , but still affording him the chance to draw most of his subjects life-size .
25 She hoped for his sake the memory of his time working for MacQuillan would quickly fade .
26 Mr Clarke , for his part , has rediscovered for his party the meaning of the word community .
27 On receiving this , the Queen gave orders for his execution the next day .
28 Because of the many opportunities that a designer has of seeing many types and design of kitchen equipment in action , he is able to pick for his client the best type and design for the job in hand .
29 In 1790 Lane adopted for his business the title ‘ Minerva Press ’ .
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