Example sentences of "for his [noun] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 And the growth of an emerging democracy over the past two years provides an outlet for his critics ' denunciations .
2 C ONGRATULATIONS to Andreas Whittam-Smith , Editor of the Independent who has been named Arts Journalist of the Year in the BP Arts Journalism awards for his newspaper 's coverage of the Pop Art Show at the Royal Academy .
3 He was still on tenterhooks waiting for his directors ' decision about the manager 's job .
4 Malcolm was really into doing good window displays for the shop , often influenced by the ones Mr Green used to do for his Vince 's Man 's Shop in Soho — which was the first boutique ever , bringing faded blue denim and hipster trousers to the British public in the fifties .
5 Cottam suggested that he too should have been paid for his fortnight 's service , but the Governors replied that they were under the impression that " his services had been tendered on behalf of and as the personal friend of Mr. Hamilton " .
6 ‘ Aye , he used to look out for his dad 's cart on a Saturday at about 4.45 and he 'd wait for it to come across the line there .
7 The third servant made no attempt to use the gold but dug a hole and kept it safe for his master 's return .
8 Or did he go to his death in the anguished conviction that he was responsible for his master 's ?
9 He was probably preparing the offices for his master 's return .
10 He applied in vain to the Admiralty for his master 's warrant .
11 Considering the mess Hollywood might have been made of Triumph Of The Spirit ( Rocky in the Death Camps ? ) , we should be grateful this true life biopic about a Greek boxer imprisoned in Auschwitz and forced to fight for his captors ' entertainment has ended up the way it has dignified but dull , lacking any real historical punch .
12 He was taken to various locations , until finally the police began interrogating him as if he was responsible for his friend 's disappearance .
13 ‘ What man in the whole world ’ , C. S. Lewis asked , ‘ except a father or a potential father-in-law , cares whether any other man gets married ? ’ and he partly answered his own question by saying that the ‘ self-abnegation ’ and ‘ anxiety ’ of the Poet for his Friend 's good was ‘ more like a parent 's than a lover 's ’ .
14 Apparently Alfonso came to visit Richard and agreed to stand surety for his friend 's behaviour , guaranteeing that he would do nothing against the will of the Duke of Aquitaine or his father .
15 It turns out , from Flaubert 's travel notes , that the business-card was n't pinned in place by Monsieur Frotteur himself ; it was put there by the lithe and thoughtful Maxime du Camp , who had scampered ahead in the purple night and laid out this little mousetrap for his friend 's sensibility .
16 ‘ Often as he sat in Davin 's rooms in Grantham Street , wondering at his friend 's well made boots that flanked the wall pair by pair , and repeating for his friend 's simple ear the verses and cadences of others which with the veils of his own longing dejection , the rude pheoboric mind of his listener had drawn his mind towards it and flung it back again , drawing it by a quiet inbred courtesy of attention , or by a quaint turn of Old English speech , or by the force of its delight in rude bodily skills , for Davin had sat at the feet of Michael Cussack the game , repelling it swiftly and suddenly by a grossness of intelligence , or by a bluntness of feeling , or by a dull stare of terror in the eyes , the terror of sole of starving Irish village in which the curfew was still a nightly fear .
17 He omitted , as he was wont to do , his middle name , Norman ; he put the present year down for his date of birth , not 1934 ; and instead of entering ‘ Canadian ’ for his parents ' and his own nationality , he entered ‘ Jewish ’ .
18 ‘ Billy was extraordinarily generous to his friends ’ , says Henderson , who was a guest at McCarty-Cooper 's $250,000 ball at Miami 's Viscaya for his parents ' Golden Wedding anniversary in 1985 .
19 But there is no general rule that the husband is liable for his wife 's debts .
20 The notice sometimes published in the papers to the effect that Mr Smith will no longer be liable for his wife 's debts has a much more limited operation than is generally supposed .
21 As bus driver Mirsad Nevsetovic , a Muslim married to a Serb , expressed the apparently forlorn hope that ‘ both sides see sense ’ , it all became too much for his wife 's Serbian mother .
22 Henry was by far the most cheerful-looking person in Waitrose , as he scanned the loaded shelves for his wife 's last meal .
23 ‘ Blaming me for his wife 's death and refusing to speak to me for seventeen years is hardly ‘ quarrelling ’ , ’ she retorted .
24 We also believe that Duncan should bear some of the responsibility for his wife 's death by being stripped of his army officer job .
25 Lovat listened to Topaz , torn between anger directed against Horatia Manners , and admiration for his wife 's loveliness which was always at its best when she was in a rage .
26 Daniel , though his ferocious passion for his wife 's body included its swollen state , was not a man who could be brought to a close interest in this unseen life .
27 David Southworth who owned the hall and who was the nephew of Tace 's widow , had done up the lodge as a home for his wife 's mother but since her death it had stood empty .
28 He might have stayed there ( he was in Galesburg , Knox County , Illinois ) but for his wife 's health .
29 Frere 's thanksgiving for his wife 's recovery was heartfelt , for that loss would have been irreparable ; and his rejoicing at her return was genuine enough ; but how short-lived .
30 He had apologised for his wife 's absence .
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