Example sentences of "for the [noun sg] company " in BNC.

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1 Patsy went , using his work for the insurance company as a pretext , for in truth he could take no more of the hypocrisy .
2 It can be very difficult for the insurance company , after the event , to ascertain what precautions were taken so that , in many cases , they will pay out however you behaved . "
3 Unless you opt for the insurance company 's managed fund , the safer option , you will need to employ a professional adviser .
4 The principal objective of the system of supervision with the Appointed Actuary is to give emphasis to the importance of providing fair value for consumers of life assurance products and ensuring their security , rather than to provide protection for the insurance company .
5 They would be repairing the skylight , I guessed correctly , and were probably a firm Nassim had shares in so he could fiddle the invoices for the insurance company .
6 The proper course was for the insurance company to apply to remove the stay in the plaintiff 's action .
7 Well they phoned back and they said , can you tell your husband to take his car to National Tyres er , that insurance has sent him , and could they give him an invoice for the insurance company .
8 I 've got a bouquet for the insurance company of Thame , the mechanical breakdown service .
9 It is not difficult to tell from casual chat at court who does what and after dealing with a few claims you soon get to know who is on the other side acting for the insurance companies .
10 Spokesmen for the insurance companies seeking to justify this practice have wheeled out a few explanations which include ‘ the client understood that by settling for a poor return on death his ultimate retirement fund would be higher . ’
11 ‘ She was a nobody when she first came to us and now she 's trying to bite the hand that fed her , ’ said a spokesman for the TV company bitterly .
12 The winter is going to be bleak for the TV companies as income from advertising falls off , and the New Year bleaker as they have to fork out a higher Government levy .
13 He was a competent and careful administrator and retired in 1909 , with unfortunate results for the publishing company for the next few years .
14 Compression Laboratories Inc , San Jose , says Bell Atlantic Corp has chosen it to supply technology for the phone company 's video-on-demand trial for up to 400 residential homes : Compression Labs will provide digital video encoders and decoders which convert standard analogue video signals to a compressed digital video format ; terms of the pact were not disclosed .
15 Later I mention this encounter to an old friend who just happens to be a former service supervisor for the phone company .
16 During that period , dearer rents were not entirely ploughed into higher profits for the development companies and institutional landlords .
17 Francis Mangon , an inventive lighting designer , had been brought over from America to be in charge of productions for the Plaza company .
18 An advertising poster for the clothing company Benetton which features a burning car has been put up close to a housing estate notorious for joyriders .
19 With offal mounting up from the four million cattle slaughtered in Britain each year , the developing countries are an obvious target for the rendering companies in desperate need of new markets .
20 In 1909 D. W. Griffith directed A Corner in Wheat for the Biograph Company and the New York Dramatic Mirror announced to its readers that ‘ this picture is not a picture drama , although it is presented with dramatic force .
21 It wo n't be very good for the petrol companies that I 've been visiting here today , but every cloud tends to have it 's silver lining , and I , I think I can say with some confidence that the last factor that we 're considering is pouring over the revenues and wondering how much is coming in , that , that really has n't much come into it .
22 In the United States , as early as 1867 a Connecticut landscape architect , Donald G. Mitchell , was arguing the case for the railroad companies to plant station gardens to advertise both the train service and the town it served .
23 If a guarantee is to be given , the best approach is for the parent company to become a party to your contract and it is desirable for the document to be under seal .
24 CFS work for the parent company is costed as though it were an outside contractor and has to be competitive .
25 The result was enormous paper profits for the parent company — Ingard Holdings — which he used to attract investors , and to impress the bank .
26 So the president of Y Products manages more people , governs a greater share of corporate resources , and earns a lot more money for the parent company than does the president of Z Press .
27 If Target is being acquired out of a corporate group , it is likely that its immediate parent company will wish to extract value from it by way of a pre-acquisition dividend paid under a group income election , as this will preclude any charge to ACT on Target and will not be a taxable receipt for the parent company ( see ss208 and 247 Taxes Act 1988 ) .
28 The purpose of this is to reduce the parent company 's chargeable gain , though this mechanism can not be used to create an allowable loss for the parent company ( see s176 TCGA 1992 ) .
29 After ten years of service , providing there had been no problems , the emigrant could continue living in Curação without working for the petroleum company , providing he had a job .
30 This one was bodged together from old planks and doors from wrecked houses , intended as little more than a defence in court for the demolition company when some child got through and broke his neck amongst the rubble .
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