Example sentences of "for three day [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So once again he rowed out to sea , and for three days neither ate nor fished .
2 I have been listening to ‘ Shepherd Moons ’ for three days straight , packing for a bunk to the Islamic world and every moment of departure in my entire life has come tumbling out of my memory , often erupting in tears .
3 I doubt you 're going to be there for three days though .
4 Nathan thought of the shotgun locked under his chin ; he 'd held himself so rigid that night that he 'd ached for three days afterwards .
5 Sheila alleged that she was dazed for three days following the attack , suffering a black eye and a cut on her forehead .
6 He had n't felt anything for three days now .
7 ‘ He 's been free for three days now , and people are frightened .
8 He 's been with her for three days now .
9 Er as long as the weather 's decent really , I know we 're only gon na go for three days so
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