Example sentences of "for some [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 This may or may not be desirable : administrators sometimes act more quickly than lawyers and judges ( they are certainly a lot less expensive ) , but they are always vulnerable to regulatory capture and they can make bad decisions if they are poorly funded and undermanned ( for some observations on this issue , see Areeda , 1992 . )
2 As in Spain after Franco , they can probably count for some while on a ‘ democracy bonus ’ : people will put up with hardship as the price of freedom .
3 For some commentators on the political right such as Marsland ( 1986 , p. 87 ) , the apparent weakening of family responsibility has been encouraged by the growth of state services which provide alternative sources of support .
4 There wo n't be much wind but it will be cool with a temperature near eight Celsius , forty six Fahrenheit , and possibly cold enough for some sleet on the Cotswolds .
5 He might decide to cross-examine both of us in an attempt to detect inconsistencies in our replies , or hope for some slip-up on our part which might enable him to make the correct identification .
6 She waited for some minutes on a platform , a train came and she would have got into it if that had been possible .
7 A lot of ‘ behind the scenes ’ work has meant there has been little news to report for some months on the A1 Locomotive Trust 's plans to build Peppercorn Pacific No 60163 .
8 Similarly , when I joined AIB in 1955 I had already flown automatic coupled approaches for some months on scheduled passenger services in the Convair 340 with the auto-pilot coupled to the instrument landing system .
9 After screening for some months on the surface of the mine , a boy would then link up with a collier who would take him as help-mate or butty in his stall .
10 I came to this conclusion after being asked by a student for some information on Occitan .
11 For some suggestions on what it might do , if we can ever find it , see Johnson-Laird ( 1983 ) .
12 However , some in the Treasury are understood to have been recommending a base rate increase for some weeks on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence that the economy had cooled .
13 Swayne waited for some comment on his revelations , a word of commendation , even thanks , but when Wycliffe spoke it was on a quite different subject .
14 Much of the development work that found its way into Challenger had been under way for some years on behalf of the Shah of Iran .
15 ‘ She asked if you were all right , ’ Leith replied , not certain that she was n't breaking confidences , but feeling she would have to be far tougher than she was not to give in to his unspoken plea for some salve on his pain .
16 If we get ready now , we shall have time to stop at my favourite restaurant for some dinner on the way . ’
17 All through tea I had waited for some indication on his part that he knew I had seen the girl — as he must have known , for it was obvious that the nocturnal concert had been given to announce her presence .
18 Thus cab for example will appear as [ kΕb ] for some speakers on some occasions and [ ka.b ] for others or on other occasions .
19 Its release had , however , been held up for some time on instructions from C. M. Woolf , a shrewd film salesman who had played a key role in financing the first projects of both Balcon and Wilcox .
20 As Elisabeth , Rosalind Plowright sounded more secure than she has been for some time on British stages and sang her last aria with true Verdian pathos and passion .
21 A few minutes later they had acknowledged Mr Bryant and his daughter outside their house , and then trudged home and stood chatting for some time on the doorstep .
22 Having gorged for some time on the sweet taste of the ‘ knowledge ’ available from large British institutions , those trained in the ‘ Fine Arts ’ emit an acrid belch of superiority on the subject of their craft .
23 Talks have been going on for some time on a range of scientific matters including fusion , nuclear safety and the environment .
24 ‘ I do n't know what he meant , ’ Allen said after they had been walking for some time on the soft turf at the verge of the track .
25 The quietest month for some time on the Register , with very few in-sequence allocations — and o the rest no less than eleven are aircraft with changed marks .
26 He asked about proceedings at Central Strike Headquarters and lingered for some time on the subject although he received no information .
27 If it gets as far as a decision , it will prove the leading case for some time on the thorny issue of what duty regulators owe the customers of the regulated .
28 Computer Users of Europe ( CUE ) , a user group that 's been around for some time on an informal basis , has gone official : it has drafted a constitution and has a steering committee working on making it formal .
29 We decided to test a model that has been round for some time on the professional market , and is popular amongst tradesman working on side — the Makita 6012HDW Cordless Driver Drill .
30 While some detectors may run as normal for some time on cheap batteries , in other cases battery life will be ridiculously short leading the operator to conclude that a detector malfunction has occurred .
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