Example sentences of "for place on the " in BNC.

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1 While demand for places on the Kindertransporte showed no signs of letting up — .
2 As competition for places on the Kindertransporte mounted to panic proportions , the chances of success turned increasingly on knowing the right people — an official who could hurry through an application or , more critically , someone in Britain who was willing to take on the financial responsibility of acting as a guarantor .
3 In the last month before war was declared , families who were still on the waiting list for places on the Kindertransporte , but knew they had little chance of moving up the queue , took to waiting at the main rail stations , watching and hoping .
4 With the demand for places on the Kindertransporte shooting far ahead of the capacity of the RCM to provide guarantors , disappointments were inevitable .
5 The office of the Jewish Refugee Committee was soon overflowing with eager claimants for places on the boat .
6 Moreover , statistics show that competition for places on the European Tour is increasing every year .
7 When applying for entry to a conversion course , past experience and qualifications will be taken into account , of course , but the demand for places on the 52-week courses is such that returning nurses are likely to be disadvantaged from those already practising .
8 There is keen competition among backbenchers for places on the most prestigious committees and some complaints that the committee of selection tends to appoint main stream party members to the exclusion of formidable establishment critics .
9 They , along with their peers who have no paper qualifications at all , compete for places on the Youth Training Schemes ( YTS ) .
10 to consider applications for places on the Course and to make offers , invite for interview or take other action as appropriate ;
11 Those who wanted to compete in the qualifying tournament for places on the 1983 Tour had to pay an entry fee of $1,000 .
12 Since there is a waiting list for places on the course for better driving , readers may be interested to know that groups affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists hold such classes all over the country .
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