Example sentences of "i [modal v] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , I may have budget files , actual files , forecast files .
2 He graced his office with dignity and performed his duties with such excellence that I know I may have difficulty in walking in his footsteps .
3 I may have minority tastes , but I came here to find out what the right hon. and learned Gentleman would say about the autumn statement .
4 I may have reindeer antlers but I do n't have Santa Claws !
5 I ought to have courage .
6 " I do n't reckon I ought to have shocks like that in my state of health . "
7 I must 've misheard .
8 " Heaven sent me to plough this field , and in order to do so , I must have oxen .
9 I must have fruit , green vegetables .
10 I must have Mackenzie . ’
11 I must have air , ’ she warned .
12 I must have help — I need all of you to do your part .
13 I must have tape two I mean tape one .
14 I must have time to think about this . "
15 Tell him I 'll give him anything he wants but I must have time . ’
16 But to do that I must have time .
17 For one thing it gives me the opportunity to write to you , and also I must have time to draw breath and come to terms with this astounding piece of good fortune that has befallen me .
18 I must have time to think .
19 I must have flowers , I ca n't bear it without them .
20 And I mun that I must have words in front of me , if I do n't have words in front of me even though I know it , I I still forget it .
21 I must have words with you , Brother , and not here . ’
22 Eliot was worried that I should have money troubles with Lewis , and in this he was right .
23 I should have water for some hours yet , but I did n't know how long I 'd be ashore , and as the shingle here seemed fairly hard I reckoned I could get the rubber dinghy to the water even at low tide .
24 ( Technically I should have Norris 's solo room because I 've been in the flat longest , but that room 's small and noisy ; also , Gav does n't snore and he 's quite happy to retreat to the living room couch if I have female company …
25 It is typical of my childishness to suppose Pa meant that I should have ice cream — today .
26 I could not imagine when I should have occasion to wear some of my more exotic outfits .
27 I should , I , I should have Steven should n't I ?
28 I should have Steven and erm Bill should have M Martin .
29 It points to truth which has become wisdom born of experience : This is Rolle 's version of 1 Corinthians 13:2 : And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries , and all knowledge , and if I should have all faith , so that I could remove mountains , and have not charity , I am nothing .
30 In the second chapter of Philippians , a little bit before where we read , Paul 's describing the seriousness of the illness of his friend and companion , Ep Aproditus And even although he had written that the thought of his own death caused him no qualms whatever , when he was writing about his friend , Aproditus being at the point of death , he said , But God had mercy on him and not only upon him but on me also lest I should have sorrow on sorrow .
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