Example sentences of "i [be] about [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh Marius , at last I can tell you how dreadfully sorry I am about poor Sabine dying , and in such a cruel way .
2 It 's funny I mean I find I 'll say something , I 'll think oh so and so would like that and I 'm about other people 's kids , why they 're .
3 Now I 'm about 32 or 31 .
4 and I 've got three phone numbers to ring but I thought I 'd wait till the end of the week until I 'm about eleven and a half
5 ‘ Say I 'm about 56 and I 've got angina but I want to ride a horse .
6 I 'm about six feet ta taller than he is !
7 And I 'm about six foot four and I 'll handle anyone that breaks in here .
8 All , all my windows have got locks on and I said I 'm about six foot four and anyone gets in here I 'll kill them .
9 I 'm about six foot four .
10 I 'm about seven kilos heavier than Gavin , ’ says Birchall .
11 I 'm about three inches taller , and unless he gets close with his hands held high , I know I can take him out .
12 ‘ I keep telling myself that it will stand me in good stead when I 'm about 40 and doing my first Isolde ! ’
13 ‘ I think I 'm about ready to load .
14 yeah , I 's about ten like that , when I was about eleven
15 I had a few problems when I was about thirty and my doctor told me it was just my age and the menopause !
16 And he said he was working with an old fellow which is getting on in age and he was quite absent minded and he said , I was about thirty feet from the ground on a ledge er filling er s a hole ready for shot for blasting and the old fellow was about twenty feet higher than him and then he was ss er whatsit another hole and then a at the top of the chamber there 's a little hole , he said , like a roof we call it which is a little passage that goes up into the next floor and then we used that as an escape route he did n't have to go far .
17 Oh , right up until I was about thirty five , thirty eight , forty
18 When I was about II , my mother bashfully confided to me that " babies came out of their mummies ' tummies " !
19 Then , when I was about 18 or 19 I figured that I 'd learned every rock guitar lead that I ever wanted to know — all my favourite Ulrich Roth solos and all my favourite Frank Marino leads .
20 I tried when I was about 18 , 19 .
21 I had asthma as a lad and also developed an ulcer when I was about 16 .
22 Well opiates , I began to dabble with them when I was about 16 , after experimenting with cannabis , amphetamines , LSD , opium , and moving in a circle … .
23 I was about 16 and I had a huge crush on him .
24 I came across him when I was about 14 or 15 , and although I 'd played Chet Atkins-style fingerpicking before , it had n't occurred to me to use the bottleneck in conjunction with fingerpicking .
25 When I was about 14 , I remember my sister and I pledging quite seriously to grow up and defy convention ; to be women who still wore jeans and long hair at 30 .
26 I 'm not big on soaps , though I was in The Newcomers for five weeks when I was about 14 or 15 .
27 ‘ I first started writing songs when I was about 14 , because I knew that the first song I 'd put down would be so crap I thought I 'd get all my ideas out of the way first , and then I 'd start getting all artistic , ’ explains Tony .
28 For London-born pro footballer Vince Hilaire , the realization was more gradual : ‘ I did n't really think about the black and white thing until I was about 14 or 15 .
29 ‘ Then there was the big typhus epidemic when I was about six and she died .
30 I need my dream , I 've got to have it — like I had to have that fairy-and-goblin curtain material when I was about six and I thought I 'd die when Mum said No , we must have the blue flowery material because it would outlast my six-year-old fairy-and-goblin phase .
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