Example sentences of "i [be] from the " in BNC.

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1 This is because I am from the planet Bzargl in galaxy E-220 , and arrived in your solar system in 1962 , disguised as a salesman for Rolls Razor .
2 I am from the South … ’
3 I am sorry that I had to deceive you just now ; I am from the Military Police Special Investigation Branch . ’
4 Nadia : I am from the General Union of Palestinian Women and it 's good that I am participating in this meeting at this time because I am having major problems with the British Feminist Movement and the Western feminist line .
5 I am from the Scottish Region and a member of the Technical Crafts Section .
6 I 'm from the countryside and have always earned my living from it .
7 ‘ Say I 'm from the Ministry of Justice . ’
8 I walk around the street like this ( spreads arms into Messianic pose ) with ‘ I 'M FROM THE FALL ’ on me forehead , but they ignore me .
9 I 'm from the Moon .
10 ‘ Hello , I 'm from the Jehovah 's Witnesses and have you ever felt that your life is going nowhere …
11 I 'm — I 'm from the wrong side of the tracks . ’
12 I 'm from the North , from the working class .
13 I 'm I 'm from the north east if that 's good enough
14 I 'm from the Evening News you 're , you 're recording
15 I get in by saying I 'm from the telephone company or something like that .
16 Tell him I 'm from the telephone company . ’
17 I 'm from the group , the change you change
18 I 'm from the theatre .
19 I 'm from the News of the World .
20 I 'm from the police .
21 I 'm from the south of England — London , actually .
22 Savvy : I 'm from the Black Lesbian and Gay Centre project in London and our members include lesbians of First Nation and Third World descent , both people who 've grown up in this country and people who have n't , so we have a very diverse membership .
23 I 'll say I 'm from the garage if someone else does , about the service .
24 I start to explain that I 'm from the Cabinet Office .
25 Swindon 's got a really northern feel as a town and I 'm from the north of England myself .
26 he , he erm he started his speech by saying er you know what are the , what are the ten most frightening words in the , in , in the American language an and he said , the answer to his own question was I 'm from the federal government , I 'm here to help .
27 My name 's Chris , I 'm from the river town URC in just down the road .
28 Well , the thing , to me environmental health , and I , and I 'm from the Environmental Health Services ,
29 Cunning — she could find out where I was from the town code .
30 I did not know what to do or where to go , so I approached a very nice policeman , told him I was from the country and asked which gate I should use .
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