Example sentences of "i [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 but when I asked them for a crayon ,
2 Theyspoketo them nicely but if I asked them for anything it was as though they could n't be bothered .
3 Old hands from the music business — usually loquacious if invited to reminisce — were struck by collective amnesia when I asked them about Dury .
4 Addressing questions to a class of primary school children in a rural school at the time of the Passover , I asked them about places in the Bible where there were sheep .
5 When I asked them about it they all said : ‘ Oh , you 've had cats all your life , you wo n't get it ’ ’ .
6 I asked them about the war , and they said it was okay , but you could see in their eyes they did n't mean it .
7 When I asked them about it later , they said , oh no , we have no intention of doing Anthems of the Nations , perhaps you would like to do it for us .
8 Cos I asked them about it , and they said I 'd much rather be doing that .
9 So I asked them in the lodge like do n't do any damage and Tom was in e he gave them a good lecture so and the lads in the lodge said , Well look you tell them as well not to do this attitude and perhaps you 've seen it on these flumes when they saw a crowd that was there they were changing gear with the Land Rover and through you know like anybody in the way you 'd be underneath .
10 I commend them to your care .
11 I commend them to the house .
12 Our amendments would er restore democratic accountability for police authorities , they would remove the proposed concentration of power in the hands of the Home Secretary and I commend them to the Committee .
13 As I wiped them on my pinafore Mr Vulcan asked what was wrong with me .
14 Mind , when I read their story on erm I read them on Thursday afternoon and I said , right we better practise for nursery
15 I made them for a friend a couple of years ago and she 's still talking about them !
16 I made them with a ruler , ’ he says .
17 My results were received with general disbelief when I announced them at a conference near Oxford .
18 So be it but , remaining as I am of the view that they were a correct expression of the law , I repeat them as part of the ratio of my decision in this case .
19 I mean they at least they could pick you up cos they 'd had the log book .
20 Dinner I boil myself just a few potatoes , and I eat them with a piece of bread …
21 I led them to you . ’
22 I led them to your car .
23 One of these papers was a recent statement by the county education committee that no change in the status of the grammar school was contemplated : on that basis , I was able to reassure my anxious colleagues , when I met them on the first day of term , that abrupt change was not imminent .
24 I met them on one of my early trips out here . ’
25 I met them at the same time , ’ Tim recalls .
26 I met them through an advert .
27 When I met them after the game and asked them what they thought , they said the highlight was listening to the girl behind them telling her mate that if Batty did n't start playing better then she 'd have to start denying him sex ! ! !
28 On the other hand , my journeys in Wiltshire had made me a familiar figure to the police , and I consulted them about evacuating from London a distinguished man , of whose name , I need hardly say , they had never heard .
29 Then I wind them into balls and put them in the oven to dry , and that 's how I come to have all those woollen articles to sell . ’
30 I sold them for the same price that I had paid myself .
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