Example sentences of "i [verb] from [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 We 've got a lot of different opinions there , I mean from my personal experience when I was a customer sales manager my , my students or particularly some of them , well I would say the brightest kind of people in the branch , and they had the most attention , and it 's very easy I think to write them off .
2 Surveys yeah , but I mean from your and my point of view we do n't sit here talking all the time , but when your father gets in then there 's talk
3 Is that the right sort of , if our I mean from our objective is to get more sales
4 I realised from your earlier letter that you might not in fact have yourself read the DNB article on , so I enclose a xerox .
5 The strongest image I got from his stories and subsequent research was of the oppressive jungle and heat in which the soldiers fought .
6 I will because Mr Mayor I think that councillor started off his response to this by talking about ghettos and a lot of differences between the better off and the worst off and I , the feeling I got from his speech was that what he was actually driving at was he was attempting to perpetuate the class distinction that the Labour party have been so bound up with over the years .
7 I asked Ben if Lewis likes you and then , er all I got from his brother all the way home is do you like Lewis Jess ? ,
8 ‘ It says so in a little book I got from Our Lady 's Bookshop .
9 Try to get some er old door casings rip down from me you know , now , I was thinking of going to North Wales but I know what they 'd say cos it , the ones that I got from our Rob 's you know the they 're quite clean but of course they 've had nails in the , you know , the head like I made the cab some cabinets you know .
10 I mean the feeling that I got from our research was that there are certain things that are absolutely basic to a good relationship between the school and the parent .
11 And that 's all the help I got from my G P .
12 Yeah which is what I got from my doctors actually .
13 It went pretty well actually , the feedback I got from my immediate boss fairly pleased with it was pleased with it
14 I realise from his point of view his company would be a quarter of a million better off if they could prove it should never have been paid in the first place , but … it is my mother he was talking about dammit ! ’
15 I moved from my little flat to join a transsexual community , people the other way round to me — men to psuedo-wimmin — but who understood me .
16 When I moved from my own place er in Walmgate to here I still underestimated how much furniture I 'd got .
17 It is at this point that I slip from my pedestal of polite insouciance .
18 I rose from my knees to know what real prayer was . ’
19 Deerhound and Saluki crosses are one popular arrival but these , in my view , are too big for the work I want from my lurcher .
20 This stems entirely from the violence I encountered from my father when I was young .
21 I learnt from your repose ,
22 I now realize just how much I have been professionally sustained , over many years , by his example and how much I learnt from his convictions .
23 I woke from my introspective dream and said , ‘ What kind of show will it be ? ’
24 When I was forty I suffered from my very first migraine , I was in bed for five days with it .
25 ‘ And do I assume from your obvious excitement that you now wish to go ? ’
26 Yeah I walk from my front door to my car as well and people say that 's not enough exercise .
27 I speak from my own — and others ' — costly experiences .
28 Clearly , if I speak from my critical parent state too often , patronising you and moralising at you , directing you as a child , and you retaliate in a parent state and attempt to direct me back as a child , we 've got a ‘ crossed transaction ’ .
29 The actual DNA molecules I received from my parents are not passed to my children : replicas of them are passed on .
30 At various points in this book of memories and some attempt at self-examination in a long and adventurous life , I have mentioned the love and help I received from my wife Marjorie .
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