Example sentences of "i [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then you would n't say no if I asked to take you in my arms under the pretext of inviting you to dance . ’
2 I asked to see him , but they said no . ’
3 ‘ And the reason why I asked to see you rather than your superintendent was that you looked capable of rising above it . ’
4 I asked to give him a lead .
5 I asked to meet her .
6 I asked to keep her talking , but I was thinking of the scribble on the photocopies I 'd found .
7 ‘ He 'd have done it willingly had I stopped to ask him , Bonnie , but I did n't .
8 ‘ Why on earth should I want to seduce you ?
9 Shall I I want to stir it .
10 To teach herself to handle thought , she made it a practise never to permit herself to touch a brush until she could answer these questions , in writing , in the fewest possible words : ‘ What attracted me to this subject ? ’ 'Why do I want to paint it ? ’ 'What is the thing I am trying to express ? ’
11 ‘ Now what did I want to ask you … ? ’
12 ‘ I neither love him , nor do I want to marry him . ’
13 Why would I want to hurt her ? ’
14 I find some offences disgust me , Im let the guy know , but then I let them know I want to help them
15 ‘ Why should I want to make you feel bad ? ’ he retorted .
16 Do I want to run you up ?
17 ‘ Why should I want to screw it up . ’
18 ‘ Why should I want to threaten you , Fran ?
19 I did not want to worry her , but neither did I want to discuss him , even with Margaret .
20 And then if I please to reach him a hand and pick him up again , he shall know and acknowledge to whom he owes it , and walk more humbly thereafter .
21 A year or so later I chanced to meet him and he acknowledged that this was just criticism , but that he had been obliged to insert these names so that his book would look like a truly up-to-date , intouch work of scholarship .
22 I valued his judgement highly , and look back with pleasure to the several visits I made to him-and his equally delightful wife Elizabeth at their cottage in Cambridge where he was a fellow of Churchill College .
23 ‘ Now I am very happy with the decision I made to sign him .
24 I 'ad to hit him with an ornament , and when his fam'ly got back from church 'is wife asked him what 'ad happened to his face .
25 I 'ad to meet 'im after I 'd 'ad me look around .
26 Well , 'e give me 'alf-a-crown , so I 'ad to pay me dues in the way of informin' 'im .
27 ‘ She 's had a fever and now she wo n't let me out of her sight , so I 'ad to bring her . ’
28 As the outcome bears no relation to either an efficient market or the declared aims of government policy , it sets up pressures for those who feel injured to seek political solutions , which mean greater government intervention and greater inefficiency — a treadmill with which I regret to say we are all too familiar in the United Kingdom .
29 I regret to say I have , Mr Stevens .
30 I regret to say I think you are .
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