Example sentences of "i [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I became in a conscious way feminist I pondered long what it meant that a woman could not in such a way depict Christ as being in her image .
2 ‘ In the end I became like the chaplain or the lady who did the hair or the manicurist. patients would ask , ‘ has the artist done you yet ? ’
3 What a coil do I make for the loss of my punk
4 What contribution do I make to the group task ( the content ) ?
5 What contribution do I make to the group interaction ( the process ) ?
6 Some theft cases can be prosecuted under section 15 , but it is fallacious , having regard to what I perceive as the true meaning of appropriation , to say that all cases of obtaining by deception can be prosecuted under section 1 .
7 ‘ If I want to cry , I hide in the toilet and feel desperate ’ , was a common reaction if I asked someone where she cried .
8 I hide in the bedroom , pretending to work on my lines .
9 That is why I side with the scientists and the Fundamentalists of Arkansas against the fake liberals .
10 Stalling for his arrival I asked about the religion .
11 I mean , ’ he stammered , ‘ when I asked about the funeral , you looked shocked and grieved .
12 Is he aware that , when I asked about the growth in employment in south Derbyshire recently , I was told that figures were available only until 1989 , that they are collected only once every six years and that figures for self-employment are collected only once every 10 years ?
13 I asked about the baby and she looked at me as if I should know . ’
14 They looked at me apprehensively when I asked for a drink of cider or wine .
15 I asked for a bowl , there was an embarrassed silence when no one moved to my aid ( thinking I felt sick ! ) — and my waters soaked the kitchen floor .
16 Each time a guard arrived , either with food or to let me out to the lavatory , I asked for a book , and each time he said ‘ Yes ’ and did n't bring one .
17 The last time I preached on the New Age before writing this chapter , I asked for a show of hands from those who had heard of it .
18 Eventually I asked for a transfer , but could n't get one , so I stayed and now I 'm glad I did . ’
19 I figured that if I asked for a transfer I 'd either get a rise or would be able to work out a better deal for myself if I went elsewhere .
20 I asked for a priest .
21 I asked for a cigarette .
22 I asked for a biography of a dead scientist , not a list of missile sites . ’
23 I asked for a report on this tragic case this morning .
24 If the code is kept under review , is there any intention to issue an updated version with any alterations to the 1987 edition which is the one that was supplied to me when I asked for a copy ?
25 Fortunately we had an alternative target so I asked for a course .
26 The reason I asked for a preserved pension obviously to see whether there was any preserved benefits .
27 actually it 's a bit boring down there now but they , they had to put my , my explanation of the price of petrol er down , there 's nowhere to thing , cos th the last time I was down there I asked for a pint of bitter and this guy bought it me and said and I wanted two pound thirty or something .
28 A young man wearing a yarmulka skullcap and sitting astride a roaring tractor wiped his brow with his arm when I asked for the location of Um Al-Farajh .
29 Since the controller was n't busy I asked for the rest of the weather , and was told three at 800 , or 900 feet above the threshold of Runway 18 .
30 Then I asked for the inlays , two humbuckers , two volumes and a tone .
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