Example sentences of "i [verb] [pron] [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 I asked them who this mythical creature was , but each time they just said , " You 'll see when you meet him . "
2 I asked him whom he most admired .
3 ‘ Er , I ca n't remember , ’ he said when I asked him who he was interviewing the following week .
4 In the meantime , as I recall , er I I asked him who he was and I asked his wife who he was because he had asked what we were doing in his house and when he said his house , I thought then for the first time that perhaps this was n't who er we had on the floor .
5 I can think of only one or two in my acquaintance , but in order to find an answer to the perennial argument of the single millionaire , I asked someone whom I believe is a millionaire .
6 Well I mean somebody who knows the teachers or
7 I mean anybody who 'd do a stupid song like fookin' , er … what 's the one we did with Karl Denver called ?
8 James do n't lick the window please James , when I said do n't lick the window , I mean it who 's got a biscuit ?
9 I mean who who cares for the electricity ?
10 I mean anyone who comes into contact with foreigners , and them trying to grasp our language , knows you know has an insight into how difficult into how difficult it can be for some some people .
11 I mean anyone who says they ca n't manage on what they get , er they ca n't feed the kids on what they get , probably go in the pubs five or si six nights a week , and smoke too much and but erm I mean these never go without a meal or anything like that .
12 Er lots of languages have very complex kinship terms where in English they 're fairly simple , er I mean someone who is one of your parents brothers is going to be an uncle , no matter what .
13 I mean someone who would just sit down and tell you things , as if they had just happened on the way home .
14 But then I , I , it 's unfortunate that you had your first I mean someone who had no experience of headmastership , head , head teachers , I mean all the head teachers I should think are in financial problems this year cos it 's really there first full year
15 Meantime I met somebody who was new in my circle of friends here , who I no longer see but she was very open-minded .
16 Several years ago I met someone who is now a very famous television celebrity and did a piece on the radio with them .
17 ‘ I do n't think I met anyone who was having her baby adopted .
18 As hard as Marshall try to convey the message of versatility in this type of combo , I defy anyone who plugs into it for the first time not to go straight for the overdrive sounds : ‘ If it 's a Marshall then it 's going to rock , whether it wants to or not ! ’
19 In the Lyrical Essays , I found someone who , like me , was happiest writing about sunlight and blue skies — but for exactly the opposite reasons .
20 And then , in Camus , who made the most immense journey from his origins ( his mother was illiterate ; a neighbour read her the telex saying he 'd won the Nobel Prize ) , I found someone who stated , in the most affirmative and human terms , the ways in which he remained dependent on them .
21 Anyway , if I changed it who could tell what other inaccuracies might creep in .
22 I 'm looking , I want somebody who knows something about gardening .
23 Come the glorious Labour victory , ‘ Third Term ’ should be played at full volume outside Downing Street with special emphasis on the lines ‘ I want someone who will not waste my vote , I want someone who will give me hope ’ .
24 Come the glorious Labour victory , ‘ Third Term ’ should be played at full volume outside Downing Street with special emphasis on the lines ‘ I want someone who will not waste my vote , I want someone who will give me hope ’ .
25 Come the glorious Labour victory , ‘ Third Term ’ should be played at full volume outside Downing Street with special emphasis on the lines ‘ I want someone who will not waste my vote , I want someone who will give me hope ’ .
26 Come the glorious Labour victory , ‘ Third Term ’ should be played at full volume outside Downing Street with special emphasis on the lines ‘ I want someone who will not waste my vote , I want someone who will give me hope ’ .
27 I urge anyone who may be considering voting Labour to think very deeply about whether Neil Kinnock can really be trusted to run this country .
28 I told her who I was , and that I had met her father .
29 yeah , and she said erm she said they were n't so bad to me she said when I told them who I was living with .
30 ‘ It was rather touching that when I told him who the other members of the cast were — Ian Richardson , Zena Walker and Freddie Jones — he said : ‘ Do they know who it is who 's playing the character ? ’
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