Example sentences of "i [verb] [noun] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I imaging Josh would be a little confused the day after we left , wondering when the ‘ big children ’ went !
2 I mean Dad 'll pi , if I 'm working do n't bother .
3 Yes , well , I mean Amy can swim , so uhum , yes it 's just how much you can do , I mean Clare does n't really need , need lessons I do n't think .
4 Well I do n't know , I mean Steve must pay about eighty pounds a bloody week .
5 I mean Ayer can be very depressing , you know , I 'd go along with that all the way .
6 Also organisations like ours are members of the Construction Industry Training Board so for instance if was going along we might get a from the C I T B so I mean grants might be available if people rout around for them .
7 Can I just sa , I mean Colin used to do the homework timetable for every year , dish it out and everybody ignored it !
8 if they just bring one , I shall say well I 've got choice then to say well is this this week 's or last week 's , now I do n't want to give them that opportunity to say well she 's worrying about one week 's wages , I mean Jan could love that and that 's given him chance to bring er , whereas if it pops through the door , or he comes
9 ‘ No , I mean Hurley wo n't hand him over .
10 It 's a pity he could n't stick to something like that cos I mean ex-policemen can get jobs like that no trouble ca n't they ?
11 I mean life would n't be the same without you , of course , and without you parrot .
12 But , if we had bought in some sort of penal clause , then I mean firms might be inclined to look very critically at the qualifications their engineers have got .
13 Well , yes they may want to do something about it , but they may be just too scared to give any details which would lead to something being done about it , I mean things can be done about it , but only if the child wants them done .
14 Well , I mean Brody may be able to survive by not actually only having a few months between doing it and being revived I think .
15 cos I mean Pimple used to erm
16 That last point , you were saying about , you know giggling and laughing about it , I think , that that 's a part of it , I mean sex can be fun
17 Or special I mean lorries will have with them and sa and say oh yes you can go and use this road .
18 I just say that I 'm sorry go on do n't want to be dejective this evening but I mean minutes will be taken notes will be taken points have been raised I think that 's a very valuable point that you 've actually have raised .
19 I 've done this before , but I mean Tim will have to have a look at it when he
20 Mum , I mean John would be lost without my mum at the moment !
21 I mean they 're very pleased with him because he 's the front man having appeared on the Anneka Rice thing and being kissed by Anneka Rice in the full view of millions I mean John can do no wrong by r by Johnathan I doubt it .
22 I mean lead can be picked up at what put your hand on the exhaust .
23 Possibly , I mean aggression could be a response to lack of self-confidence you 're quite right .
24 Oh no oh no oh no they 'll decide I mean Mr will know , they 'll know what they 're doing , I mean they know what they 're doing , I do n't know what they 're doing , I 'm not a doctor , I 'm not God , nothing
25 I mean Martin will probably er
26 I mean Alia will be three in January .
27 I mean Guy could n't push it .
28 I mean Josh is alright , I mean Josh will understand , if Darrel said to him look , this is the situation , Josh would understand to a certain extent .
29 I mean Margaret used to come in and everything was done for her , I mean she never had to do a thing well that hit her terribly you see .
30 I mean Margaret could n't go back it 's er
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