Example sentences of "for [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For nothing done by Hitler in the external sphere during Eden 's time at the Foreign Office aroused any public reaction remotely comparable to that which engulfed Hoare over Abyssinia .
2 That must be good for everyone living in Wales who likes opera .
3 Then , there was nothing else to be done except get back to work in the cutting room at Paramount where he was working around the clock on The Two Jakes , for which the world of movie entertainment was waiting with bated breath ; because even though all of the above makes fascinating reading for everyone intrigued by Hollywood 's pop royalty , especially one so colourful and mercurial as Nicholson , it is the mere trivia , the overcoat of gloss and glitz , that hides the real Jack Nicholson …
4 The way I think of the band is kind of like puzzle pieces ; to me the secret of an effective arrangement is not for everyone to push towards the same kind of sound , but for everyone to play something that 's contrasting but interlocking , so that when you listen to the song , all the pieces fall into place around each other .
5 He said : ‘ It was an opportunity for everyone connected with the project , both BNFL staff and contractors , to bring in their families and explain what THORP is all about .
6 Its great for everyone connected with the club etc etc .
7 The whole chapter is ridiculous , for example when Alice asked to sit down she was told there was no room , by the characters already sitting there , yet there was plenty of room for everyone to move round the table several times before returning to their original places .
8 In many households it is conventional for everyone to retire at the same time , and to re-emerge simultaneously in the morning , with scant toleration being shown to individuals who do not conform .
9 We wo n't have that Number One target on our backs for everyone to aim at .
10 O'Neill said : ‘ It 's bloody awful for everyone associated with the horse and it has n't really sunk in yet .
11 In each city we have taken over hotel conference centres to provide comfortable facilities for everyone to chat in private to one of our experts .
12 I suggest that it would now be best for everyone to concentrate on its merits and on its implementation .
13 THE ANNUAL snooker tournament took place recently , for everyone working within operating areas of WGOL , Great Yarmouth .
14 When the cards were written , they were taken to the school chapel where prayers were said for everyone imprisoned for their beliefs .
15 On the evening of March 26 there will be a celebratory dinner at the Campana Restaurant in Marylebone High Street for everyone involved to really let their hair down .
16 At many clubs it is compulsory for everyone to have at least one dual flight at the beginning of the season before flying solo again .
17 It 's a very sad situation for everyone employed in mining . ’
18 Again , space was provided for them to say in what ways and the following typify what was written :
19 Fleischmann then showed a proposal that he and Pons had submitted to the Department of Energy ( DOE ) in Washington requesting financial support for them to carry through a definitive series of experiments over a period of three years .
20 Although the loss of the transports assembled or under construction at Le Havre delivered a serious blow to the French plans , others were still being built or collected at ports all along the Bay of Biscay , from Lorient [ or L'Orient ] to Bayonne , including Nantes , La Rochelle and Bordeaux , and the plan , as the English government knew , was for them to assemble at Brest , where the Commander-in-Chief of the naval side of the invasion , Admiral Conflans [ Hubert de Brienne , Comte de Conflans ] had arrived in early July .
21 Young people with no job lose confidence and it is easy for them to slide into living in reversal of night and day .
22 Having a spill gives them a thrill , and it 's something for them to talk about afterwards . ’
23 It may be easier for them to talk to a fellow inmate . ’
24 But it makes commercial sense for them to respond to pressure .
25 The Sainsbury 's Pictures for Schools scheme , launched by Lord Sainsbury of Preston Candover , KG , on April 20 , will give a set of eight framed reproductions of specially selected paintings to each school for them to display for all the pupils to see .
26 Newspapers and television stations had no standing to apply to the trial judge to lift the order , and there was no avenue open for them to appeal to any other court .
27 ‘ To ensure that artists are fully aware of all conditions and clauses we will offer a list of music industry lawyers for them to choose from if they need help with the contract .
28 We would help artists by suggesting a list of industry lawyers for them to choose from . ’
29 Talking to a tobacconist I found that he has some women customers and a range of smaller pipes for them to choose from .
30 But there are only limited facilites for them stay in the children 's ward to be near their daughter .
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