Example sentences of "for [art] [noun] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Er certainly the surplus was used to er create a new scheme for the present contributing members and er to the maximum benefit of the new sponsoring company , which er in the pensioners view er certainly er caused a great lack of security to the fund in our view of what they have done and er it is of in our opinion a matter of public concern and that we welcome the opportunity and I believe that you said previously that you 're gon na come up on the ownership of surplus , so perhaps getting away from it
2 All was silent in the rehearsal room , except for the actors speaking their lines .
3 It was a Michaelmas Day or at least the old erm Quarter Day for paying rents and erm it was generally known in those days as muck spreading because erm it was usual time for erm , the farm workers to get ready for the winter ploughing .
4 We have insulins which cover a wide range of duration of action , but we still have injections which must be the least palatable aspect of life for the patient requiring insulin .
5 For the patient showing extreme distress , a tranquillizer may be indicated .
6 There are three suggested routes for the pylons taking power lines from Picton to Shipton .
7 The Court of Appeal ruled that outside s.2(1) the question of dishonesty was for the jury applying " the current standards of ordinary decent people " .
8 To create a pleasant landscape experience for the motorist travelling along the route .
9 The integrity of highly conserved region 2 is essential for the DNA binding and transcriptional regulatory functions of Vmw175 .
10 For the DNA bending assays 143 bp fragments were generated from the circular permutation vectors pICP4Bend and pAd2Bend ( 44 ) by digestion with the appropriate restriction enzymes ( Fig. 5A ) , dephosphorylated with calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase ( 50 ) and purified following agarose gel electrophoresis in 0.7% gels using Geneclean ( Bio 101 , La Jolla , Ca . ) .
11 We had no fear of crossing the roads and at times these were our playgrounds , playing cricket in Kent Road with an upturned box as wicket , a long stop watching for the 'bus leaving Halling Bottom .
12 That 's compensation , is it for the tenants living in the flats ?
13 Service departments are responsible for standards of technologies used in the company products and product departments are responsible for the products embodying the technologies .
14 When he set out today it had been his intention to make for the hills bordering the Golden Valley , but when he got through Blakemere the sweat was dripping from his chin and the sight of a stream tinkling its way not three yards from the road automatically brought his legs off the pedals .
15 I can spread the risk between all the various er , homes for the unit linking , funding in invests in , in various assets .
16 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
17 Now all of that is sensible enough for the holiday-maker taking his or her annual two weeks in the sun , but like many packages , there are strings attached .
18 The snails will eat the foam , presumably for the microflora living on it , or perhaps by mistake .
19 Plans of RBG buildings on microfiche are available from PSA and in the future may be available on disk for the PC running Autocad software .
20 The number of symptoms was computed for each subject and the groups were compared for the proportion having 1 and 2 symptoms .
21 Gorbachev suggested that Soviet medium-range missiles in Asia could be abandoned altogether in return for the Americans giving up their nuclear bases in the Pacific .
22 During their stay , they were assessed for the module Experiencing Europe 2 .
23 There are , again , problems for the researcher hoping to test out such hypotheses .
24 But with a date of construction for the wall extending well into the fourth century , and a date now being assigned for the general run of external towers somewhat earlier than that previously postulated in the Theodosian reconstruction of British towns and cities , it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that both may be contemporary .
25 See Chapter 1 for the rules relating to the presentation of petitions in the High Court and various county courts having bankruptcy jurisdiction together with the list of such courts and the areas served by them in Appendix A. If there is a voluntary arrangement in force under Part VIII of the Act , the petition must be presented to the court dealing with the voluntary arrangement .
26 And just as linguistics ought to be able to account for the structure and organization of as yet unspoken sentences , so poetics ought to be able to account for the rules governing as yet unwritten works of literature : ‘ Each work is therefore regarded only as the manifestation of an abstract and general structure , of which it is but one of the possible realizations .
27 Tickets for the event featuring Jill 's Seconds garments are available at £1 by calling Ferryhill .
28 At night we listen for the sea freezing over .
29 It was admirably , and so very suitable , it was also very refreshing to find a venue that has such a warm atmosphere about it , please find enclosed a cheque for its hire , may I also confirm the date for the October meeting the twenty fourth , many thanks indeed , yours faithfully , John .
30 We know little of the living conditions of the people of Halling at this period , but examples of other area 's tell us that life for the village labouring class was hard with few comforts , houses being often nothing more than hovels with earth packed floors on which rushes would be strewn .
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